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It was a typical day at the office, or so I thought. I was finishing some reports when I was asked to bring documents to Yuvaan's office. It was one of my favorite excuse to see him, even if for just a few minutes. He was always so composed and focused, yet there was a hint of warmth behind those whiskey eyes. Something about him make my heart beat more faster when he's around me.

As I walked toward Yuvaan's office, I noticed a commotion down the hall. There was a distinct chatter that I hadn't heard before, filled with forced laughter and a tone that made my skin crawl. I hoped it was just another visitor, someone who would leave soon. But when I knocked on Yuvaan's door and heard him say, "Come in," my hopes were dashed.

I entered the room, and there she was—Sameera. She was lounging in one of the visitor chairs, her legs crossed, flashing a smile that was as fake as her designer handbag. Seeing her sitting in Yuvaan's office, like she belonged there, made my blood boil. The memory of her from college, all the drama and chaos she caused, came rushing back.

Yuvaan looked up and smiled at me, though it felt a bit forced. "Isha, this is Sameera," he said. "She's the new intern. She'll be working with us from today." He gestured toward her, and Sameera gave me a quick wave, her eyes scanning me as if she was evaluating a piece of furniture.

I couldn't hide my displeasure, even though I tried to maintain a professional demeanor. "Yes, I'm aware," I replied, keeping my voice as steady as I could. "Welcome to the team, Sameera."

Yuvaan continued, "I have a meeting to attend, so Isha, could you show Sameera around and help her settle in? Introduce her to everyone and explain her tasks"

I wanted to object, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. "But, sir, I have other work to—" I started to argue, but Yuvaan cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Isha, it's important meeting and it's my order.." he said.

I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. Yuvaan's face was almost as infuriating as Sameera's presence. How could he not see that she was trouble? I handed him the documents and nodded, biting back my words. There was no point in arguing when Yuvaan had already made up his mind.

Sameera stayed quiet the whole time I was in Yuvaan's office, but the moment I stepped out, she started with her typical nonsense. "How did you even get this job?" she asked, her voice laced with condescension. "Did you know someone on the inside?"

I laughed, unable to hold back my disdain. " I'm here because I deserve this position.." I replied. "Unlike some people who seem to have... connections but not brain.."

Sameera's smile wavered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, well, I guess it’s good to know people, right?" she said, with a little too much sweetness in her voice.

I rolled my eyes, wishing I could just walk away and leave her to her own devices. But I had a job to do, and it involved babysitting the last person on earth I wanted to spend time with. As I walked her through the office, introducing her to various colleagues, I could feel her scrutinizing me, like she was trying to find something to pick apart.

Her questions were ridiculous, her comments annoyingly petty, and her attitude was condescending. I did my best to stay calm, but every time I saw her smirking, I wanted to scream. It was as if she was trying to provoke me, to see how far she could push before I snapped. I had to remind myself that this was for Yuvaan, for my job, and for my own peace of mind.

It was only Sameera's first day in the office, and she was already making herself too comfortable. After I finished giving her a tour and explaining some of the basic tasks, I thought I could finally get back to my work in peace. But no. Sameera had other plans. She kept finding excuses to hover around Yuvaan, pretending to need his advice or guidance for every little thing. It was like she was doing knowingly.. making it obvious to everyone that she knew him and wasn't afraid to use that connection.

I was at my desk, trying to concentrate on an important report, when I heard Sameera's voice drifting from Yuvaan's office. She was speaking in that overly sweet tone, the one that made me want to throw something. "Yuvaan, how's this file which I made..?"

Such a liar and bitch she's ..this file was not made by her..some other intern made this...but she always wants to take credit of what she cannot even do..

Yuvaan responded in his usual calm manner, his voice low and steady. " This file needs correction..take help from Isha she will help you..and it's Sir not Yuvaan for you..take a note on that.."

The feeling of sarcasm rushed in my body when Yuvaan forbidden Sameera from calling his name...but one more headache of helping her in correction of that file.

It got worse during lunch...I was having my lunch with Khushi and pouring my frustrations about Sameera to her... Khushi's face was worth seeing it on hearing the news that Sameera has joined our office..she literally said I'm going to leave this Earth soon..I can't bear that asshole in was enough..speaking of devil and the devil arrived..Sameera with her wicked smile was showing off as always ..but ofc my savage bestie always shuts her off..Khushi said..."Sameera don't you think it's too early to show your true colours...have you forgotten about your suspension..because here you will not get suspended but terminated...then you will enjoy your full time vacation..."
Sameera ran out of her words...and went gulping her anger..she really needed that dose.

After lunch we went back to work Yuvaan called me to discuss about the project and to see darling Sameera was was already there . In the middle of the discussion she just puts her hand on Yuvaan's hand...the look of her eyes said that this was completely planned but to my surprise and relief Yuvaan drawback his hand immediately and asked her   to be careful..this is the last time I'm warning you.

I almost choked on invisible air . Who did she think she was, acting so familiar with him? Reyansh shot me a glance, yes he was also there, he could feel my irritation, but he just shrugged, a smirk on his face. He was enjoying the drama, no doubt about it.

Sameera pouted, but she quickly covered it up with a bright smile. "Umm..sorry it happened by mistake" She shot me a glance, a smirk playing on her lips...I wanted to scream, but I kept my cool. I knew I couldn't let her get to me. But her constant presence around Yuvaan, her subtle flirtations, and her casual touches were driving me crazy. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous. Jealous of her boldness, her easy confidence, and the way she seemed to get away with everything.

After discussion, I had to review some file so Yuvaan suggested to do it in his cabin, I was trying to focus on my work. But Sameera's voice kept popping up, asking Yuvaan for help with one thing or another. It was like she was doing it on purpose, trying to get under my skin. And it was working.

I clenched my fists under my desk, willing myself not to snap. It was one thing for her to act like this outside of work, but here? Where I had to see it every day? It was unbearable.

As the day came to a close, I couldn't wait to leave the office. I needed some fresh air, some distance from Sameera's constant chattering. But as I was packing up my things, I overheard her talking to Yuvaan near the entrance.
She seriously asked him to drop her her driver was not there...and to my surprise when I heard Yuvaan agreeing to her...I just knew..I'm done with my life..this is not what I expected...I expected that he will deny her..and ask her to wait for her driver or book a cab and go by herself but no...Mr. Yuvaan will drop her to her home safely..
At that moment I just wished that they both got to hell..

That was the last straw. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the office, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. Sameera was getting too close to Yuvaan, and I was getting too close to losing my cool. Something had to change, and soon. Otherwise, I didn't know how long I could handle it without snapping.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted from dealing with Sameera. Her constant chatter and passive-aggressive remarks were draining. But I was also curious about why Yuvaan agreed to drop her...Why was he so tolerant of her? It wasn't like him to put up with nonsense. Did he feel obligated because of some family connection? I wasn't sure, but I was determined to find out.I knew one thing for sure: Sameera's presence in the office was going to be a problem. And I needed to figure out how to deal with her before she made my life—and Yuvaan's—much more complicated.

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