How to seduce?

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I gulped as the sound of footsteps came closer

Oh no

I think it really might be him.

I started shaking my right leg in nervousness and glanced at the door.

Azef appeared in the doorway, looking composed and wearing a fresh set of clothes. His hair was still slightly damp, but he looked as though nothing unusual had happened. For a moment, I just stared at him, not sure what to say. How was he so calm after everything that had happened?

And for some reason, he looks extra attractive... Or have I lost my mind or something?

"Hey," He said casually, "Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head, trying to match his nonchalance. "Of course not. There's more soup if you want some."

"Thanks," He said, grabbing a bowl and serving himself. He sat down across from me, his movements relaxed and unhurried.

We ate in silence for a few minutes. The warmth of the soup and the quiet of the kitchen felt surreal compared to the earlier chaos. I kept sneaking glances at him, trying to gauge how he was feeling, but he seemed completely unfazed.

Is he really not embarrassed about anything? He was the one naked, not me, yet my mind is still dancing in shame!! Like a pervert, I can't stop thinking about it.

A few more seconds passed and we ate in silence.

Finally, I couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Azef, about what happened..."

He looked up, his expression calm and reassuring. "It's okay. You don't need to worry about it. I'm just glad you're safe."


"I know, but..." I hesitated, trying to find the right words. "You were amazing, but it was also... a lot. I mean, the dragon, and then you..."

He gave a small smile, his eyes warm with understanding. "I know. It was odd, that never happened before. Komodo dragons don't even live anywhere near here. It's very odd that one made its way here."


He was clearly avoiding the subject about him barging in naked. I shouldn't pursue it either, but what the hell caused him to run in like that. I get that I screamed pretty loudly, not no one else came in but him.

Oh! What am I doing?! I know it wasn't on purpose! I should leave it be!!

I watched him

He ate completely unbothered and seeing him like that made something cross my mind


Could it be?

He's so confident in himself that he's not even bothered that I saw him naked?!?!?

That thought made me freeze for a moment.



I shook my head

What am I saying?

He barged in like that because I screamed like I was dying. It probably got his fight or flight form activated



A weird feeling swirled in my chest. How many people has he been naked in front of? I pursed my lips. I was thinking about flirting with him to get his attention but will I be able to do anything?

He seems to have a lot of experience... And then there's me.

I kept tapping my foot on the ground. There was a lot of nervousness building inside of me.

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