Pleasant days

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I had to stop her and ask. I didn't want her to go away. She was in this room for mere minutes but something inside of me felt better with her presence.

I didn't want to lose her.

She sat on the window sill and looked back at me, "But there's nothing to do here,"

"We can do something together!" I said, "We'll do anything you want!"

"Really?" She asked


"Then I'll come whenever dad comes"

"Okay!" I was happy to hear that, "But! Don't ask your dad anything about coming here."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"He won't let you come."

"How do you know that?" She folded her arms.

"I do. So promise me you won't do that." I talked softly and although she seemed a little angry at my words, she eventually gave in.



And that's how Sarina and I became friends. Her father visited my mother twice a week, sometimes thrice a week. Apparently their house wasn't far from here, so he came on foot and she just followed him.

Sarina's sister napped during the time she came here. She was supposed to be asleep too. Their dad snuck out after putting both of them to sleep but Sarina never actually slept, she just sneaked out behind her father and she would bring her stuff over in a bag so we could play together.

We didn't play much, she just talked most of the time, and she would often forget her stuff here too. Telling me different stories. Apparently she had a wild imagination.

But she did grow tired of being in the room

"I opened the window for you, can't you just leave?" She asked as she lay on the floor.

"My mom said she would disown me if I tried to leave,"

"Disown?" She frowned, "What's that?"

"It means she'll stop being my mom."

"Oh..." She scratched her forehead, "Do you get another mom if that happens?"

I shook my head, "No, but if that happens, I won't have a place to live either."

She sat up with a glint in her eyes, "Then you can just stay with me!!" I smiled at her words.

"Your parents won't let me," I replied and her smile died.

"Oh yea..." She let out a sigh, "Oh!" And then she got distracted, "I got something," She walked with her knees on the floor, "Let's take a picture." She grabbed her bag and pulled out a polaroid camera,

She walked over to me on her knees, her presence a strange mix of comfort and excitement. She positioned the camera in front of us on the window sill, adjusting the angle, "Come closer," she urged with a smile, "It has a timer!!" She pressed it and then came running back.

I scooted over and she came and sat down next to me.

"I don't think I've taken a picture before," She looked at me, her gaze filled with something I couldn't quite name—maybe it was kindness, or confusion but the exact time she looked at me, the picture was clicked.

The camera whirred to life, capturing the moment in a flash of light. In that instant, I looked straight at the camera, trying to remember how to smile. But she didn't look at the camera—she looked at me,

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