Find the sister

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The elation that had filled my heart was abruptly replaced by a cold, gnawing fear. How could I have forgotten, even for a moment?

"Azef...What about Eris?" Guilt surged through me

"What about her?" He asked

My thoughts raced, each one more frantic than the last. Where was she? Was she safe? The image of her face, scared and alone, flashed in my mind, and the fear threatened to choke me. I had been so wrapped up in my own emotions, that I had let the urgency of her disappearance slip from my immediate focus.

"It seems she was able to run away from Somi's men, but where she went from there, no one knows."

"What about her mother?" He asked

"I don't know!" I began to panic, "Somi said she didn't go back to her mother!!" My heart began to pound. My mind was frantic, "B-but I can try and call her, time has passed, so maybe Ariel has her back now."

"Call her then," He said and my hands traveled to my pants.



There was no sign of my phone.

"Ah!" I remembered, "Somi never gave it back..."

"I'll try mine," Azef reached for his pants and took out his phone

"Ah..." It was soaked and refused to turn on, "Shit," My fear grew.

"How about we go to the pack for now." He stood up, "We'll get a phone from there," He extended his hand to me

"Alright," I took it


It was a long way, so Azef shifted into his wolf form to run through the forest. I rode him, gripping his fur tightly as we dashed through the woods.

All the while I silently prayed for Eris. That she was okay and was in a safe place. Where could she have gone? Oh! Eris!

It was night again once we reached the pack. Azef linked his mind with the pack members and a few of them came running towards us while we emerged from the woods, reaching towards the backyard of the pack house.

"Miss Sera!" It was Runy and Lila

"Beta Azef!" Runy came and gave him a bow. She also had a pair of pants in her hands.

I got off Azef as we came to a stop and he shifted back into his human form, "I need a phone," He said as he grabbed the pants from Runy and wore them.

It was something that was going to take some time to adjust to. Wolves end up ripping their clothes if they shift suddenly and they change back in front of others too. Yes, they prefer to change in privacy too, but I've noticed that sometimes they don't care.

"Sure," Runy nodded, "But why?"

"We need to find Eris," I said, "Please," I stepped towards and grabbed her hand, "Nobody knows where she went and she's missing!"

"Eris?" Lila looked at us

"We've already found her," Runy said

"You have?" I was baffled but relieved, "From where?"

"She was unconscious in the woods, so we brought her back to the pack house."



As I prowled through the dense forest along with other pack members, looking for any sign of Sera, my senses keen and alert, a distant commotion caught my attention. The other wolves in my pack sensed it too, their ears perking up as they turned their heads in the direction of the disturbance.

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