The Death of A Demon

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I wonder who was the girl I pushed down the hill. I lay on the floor, blankly staring at the ceiling.

She looked like Sarina

Maybe it was just someone that looked like her. Maybe it wasn't even someone who looked like her. I didn't even look properly and pushed her down. Maybe I was projecting her face on someone...

Or maybe it was a ghost.

Could it really be a ghost? It wouldn't have fallen down like that if it was a ghost right?

I was so dizzy that day, I was probably hallucinating...

I wonder if I killed the girl I pushed too... She's probably dead... She started bleeding so much...

I sat up, huddled in a corner and closed my eyes.

I hope that really was a ghost!


I don't wanna think about it!

I opened my weary eyes and took a deep breath. Then I looked at the door.

I wish I could kill her too.

I gritted my teeth.

If only

I bit my lower lip

If only someone could kill her. If she dies, I would be free, right?

I grabbed the random item in my room and threw it towards the barred window. It was some random broken objects that lay in the room along with a few broken bowls and plates that my mother brought and threw at me.

Most of them break and they're just laying here with me.

I grabbed another one and threw it at the window.

It's barred. If it wasn't, I would have jumped through it. I could die if I jump, but I don't I get to be free.

I grabbed another item and threw it on the window. It had no glass, just the wood planks. Maybe if I had normal strength, I could have broken through it. But I'm far too weak.

I hate myself, I hate this place. I hate living but most of all, I hate that woman who's keeping me alive!

It's all her fault. She's a demon. A real one!

My injuries had healed a lot since I've been here, but I still feel the pain. My body still hurts

I grabbed another thing and threw it on the window.

I want to get out of here. Somewhere far away... But that feels like it would be a distant dream.

Suddenly, there was a noise, faint but distinct, coming from the window.


I looked at it, straining to listen. What was that?

It was like someone was tapping on the wooden planks.


Then out of nowhere I heard the planks being punched, the old wood protesting as it gave way.

Wait, is someone trying to break in?


I looked away as I lost all interest. It took only a couple of blows before a hole appeared. I watched silently as the figure outside began to rip the planks off, one by one, until finally, light poured into the room.

My eyes adjusted to the light, and I saw him—a boy, older than me, with a determined look on his face. He peered into the room, his eyes scanning the darkness until they landed on me. For a moment, we just stared at each other. I saw his expression change, a mixture of shock and pity crossing his face as he took in my frail appearance.

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