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I watched Miss Sera retreat back down the hallway after taking her call, her figure barely visible in the dim light of dawn. She walked slowly, each step seeming heavier than the last. I wanted to follow her, to offer some comfort, but I knew she needed space.

Everything was already messed up and then she got a call from her little sister who was crying for her.

My heart hurt for her. She couldn't even do anything to bring little Eris here.

I stood there in the kitchen, the silence of the house pressing in around me, "Is she okay?" Tula asked and I looked down at him. I had my hands on his shoulders.

"I don't think so," I replied, "But I hope she will be," It was difficult to see her falling into despair.

I couldn't listen to the whole conversation she had with Eris but by the end of it, she got really unnerved.


The faint light of morning began to creep through the windows, casting long shadows on the walls. I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering worry. I hoped that whatever troubled her would pass soon.

"You should go back, Tula," I looked down at my brother, "You have to get to class too," He nodded at me, "Thank you for bringing the phone,"

He stepped away from me, "No problem," He passed me a smile and ran away.

Hours later, as the household began to stir, I went about my morning duties, but the image of Sera's troubled face stayed with me. When the others finally woke up, I couldn't keep my concerns to myself any longer and I gathered us in the kitchen.

"I met Miss Sera at dawn," I said, my voice low but urgent. The others exchanged confused glances.

"And?" Runy asked

"She got up in the middle of the night, or maybe she never slept," I continued. "Looked really troubled and tired." I looked at all of them, "She even got a call from her little sister, that got her already worn out expressions to turn even worse." They all had serious looks on their faces, "What should we do?"

"We should check on her," Lila suggested, "At the very least we can take care of her health."

"What about the Beta?" Hoor asked.

"I'll call Raye again," Runy said, "And ask him if Beta Azef really did spend the night with Xia-Lin,"

"And what if he did?" Loid asked, "Then what?"

"We should tell Sera," I said

Lila let out a sigh, "For now, let's get her something to eat." We all nodded in agreement.

Runy, Lila and Ben made their way to her room.

I stayed back and started to make some food for her. Something light that she would be able to take.


Lila knocked softly on her door, "Miss Sera?" But received no answer. So, she knocked again, "Miss Sera?" A sinking feeling settled in my stomach.

"Open the door," I whispered,

"What if she's sleeping?" Ben said

"Ben, you idiot," I looked at him, "Her scent isn't strong!" As soon as I said those words, it hit them. They gently pushed the door open to look inside, but as I had suspected, all we could see was the empty bed.

"Oh no," Lila went inside in a panic,"She's not here," She said, the worry in her voice was clear.

"Oh man," Ben got frantic, "Her scent is fading..." I looked at the open window,

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