17. Ice Creams

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" Will you go on a coffee date with me?"

" Umm actually You know I have some work to do " I chew my lips while answering , He is a nice guy as he seems but I have zero interest in him.

" It's okay, you can finish your work and then come " He looks quite hopeful

" Hey, but I really have some work to do , Also there are lots of pending assignments, hope you don't mind " I Try to excuse myself

" Then are you free tomorrow , we can postpone it " He enquires again 

Arrrggghhh , How to tell him that I am not interested.

" Umm, the thing is —"

" Heyyyyyy Naisha are you insane? I have been searching you from about 3 hours, where did you vanish, girl ?"

Megha screeches in front of me

"I was , umm, I was in the library, And my phone was off, I guess" I try to explain her but she looks least convinced

" Ya, whatever, don't you wanna go home or what, let's go " She rolls her eyes and starts tugging my hand.

"So, Naisha tomorrow? " Harsh asks again with hope.

" Ohh hiii, How are you ? By the way what tomorrow?" Megha enquires him, her face laced with confusion.

" I was asking her for a coffee date, but she said today she is busy , but I am hoping tomorrow she is free" Why the hell is he even explaining so much to her, but I notice Megha's face falls down on the mention of a date.

Does she like him?

" Fine I will go tomorrow but on one condition, Megha will also come with me, it can be a friendly outing, what say ?" I announce with a chirpy tone, patting myself with the great idea.

" Ohh, okay , It's fine " Harsh stutters a little but eventually agrees. Megha seems to be beaming with happiness. I guess she definitely likes him.

Harsh waves us a goodbye and walks away.

"Why did you do that?" Megha bellows in her shrill voice " I am so embarrassed, why? "

" C'mon, You like him I know, I just made your work easier, now stop acting " I pull her closer by her shoulders.

" But, but he likes you, that's why he called you on a date, it would be so awkward to sit there" She hides her face with her palm

" Do you think I will really go there? It was just a trick to bring you two closer, I shall spare myself by giving some excuse, then you can enjoy." I giggle at the plot of my plan.

" You are such a vixen, huhh " She gives me a side hug " Hey, by the way, why do you look like this? Did something happen?"

And I immediately straighten myself.

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