You've got so Much to Learn About Gravity

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Lindsay's POV

I finished the dishes and drove to McDonalds to get pancakes. I set them on the table and ran upstairs to get ready. I took a quick shower and got dressed in dark blue, high waisted shorts. I put on a white SWS tank top with a blue anchor, and topped it off with a silver infinity bracelet on my left wrist.

Tiny white scars lined my arms and legs but they were nearly invisible so I didn't worry. I put on black vans and did my makeup. I dried and curled my hair then headed downstairs.

"Oh Linds," Vic called. "Kellin, Katelynne, and Copeland are stopping by today."

"Good," I laughed. "I'm sick of you guys."

I was glad I got ready because now we'd be having company, but the pancakes had vanished from the counter before I could grab one. I looked around in the fridge and frowned. "Really guys? Beer and lunch meat and tortillas. We're having company over soon. What are you gunna do with Copeland if she gets hungry?"

Mike shrugged. "Fine," I mumbled. "I'm going grocery shopping. Who's coming?"

"I will," Jaime offered, emerging from his room. I looked to Tony for assurance and he nodded.

"Alright," I said, snatching my keys off the kitchen table. We walked down the driveway in silence and I climbed into my little car, started it, turned the radio on, and pulled out of the driveway.

Something's Gotta Give by All Time Low thumped out of the speakers. "I love this song," Jaime and I said at the same time. We both laughed and the ice was broken. We sang along loudly and obnoxiously. We arrived at the grocery store and I parked.

"Holy shit, could you park farther away from the store?" Jaime groaned.

"What do you want me to do, park in the handicapped spot?" I countered.


"Then don't complain."

I turned the car off and tucked the keys into my purse. We walked across the hot pavement and into the store. I was glad there was air conditioning. Jaime got a cart and I lead. I went straight to the drink aisle to get something other then beer. I got a box of Strawberry-Kiwi juice boxes and places them in the cart.

"Good idea," Jaime said. "Getting something for Cope to drink."

"Oh yeah..." I said in a fake voice. "For Cope."

We got chips, sandwich things, s'mores ingredients, Lucky Charms, cookies, frozen French fries, lettuce and fruit, and snack food. Jaime made jokes at my childish choices. "Fine," I muttered. "You can starve then."

"Oh no," he laughed.

I checked out and we loaded the groceries into the car and drove home. I stuck my OM&M CD into the CD player and hit play. I screamed along to Second and Sebring causing Jaime to laugh.

"You scream loud for someone who buys juice-boxes."

"They're convenient and delicious. Besides, they don't give you hangovers. It's nice," I snapped.

"True, true."

We pulled back into the driveway were there was an extra car. Most likely the Quinn's. Jaime and I divided the groceries and carried them all in one trip. Mike saw us coming and opened the door. I unloaded the plastic bags onto the counter and caught my breath.

"Juice boxes are heavy," I complained. I straightened up and saw Vic and Tony playing with Cope in the living room. Mike was talking to Kellin and Katelynne in the kitchen. Jaime joined them, leaving me to unload the groceries.

"Linds got some juice boxes and things if Cope is hungry," Jaime told Katelynne.

"That's really thoughtful," she said, giving me a warm smile which I returned.

I finished unloading groceries and joined the adult conversation. "So what's up with the tour delay?" asked Kellin.

I blushed deeply as all eyes turned on me. "Um...that'd be my fault," I spoke up. "I kind of ruined the band for a while."

"She did not," Mike interfered. "There was a band fight. Tony walked out and nobody was in the right condition for a tour."

Katelynne took the hint and kept Kellin from continuing to ask. They were really nice though and I was glad to finally have one female friend. Katelynne and I went and sat on the back patio in lawn chairs. "So what's really going on with the band? Do you need to talk?" she offered.

"Um...I was dating Tony. Then Jaime and I kissed. Then we played a drinking game and I told Tony everything and he left. I ruined the band. Then I couldn't take it and took off as well. Mike turned to drinking, Vic turned to music, Jaime got really quiet. Then Tony came back, and I did too. We're getting along now and Vic was trying to reschedule tour dates. I-I just feel so bad about ruining things. Its like I had everything I could ever want and I did something really dumb and just hurt everyone I loved." Katelynne listened the whole time I talked which I was thankful for.

"I understand," she finally said. "When I was in college, I was dating this guy named Jason. He was perfect. He was amazing. Played Hockey, got good grades, he was funny and sexy and everything I wanted. But one night I had a fight with my mother and went to see him. He was gone...but his roommate Michael was there. I felt so bad I left them both. But it ended up being okay when I met Kellin. I'm not saying you should leave Tony...but things have a way of being okay in the end."

I was really glad I could talk to Katelynne. I loved the guys...but they didn't understand somethings. "Thanks," I said. We walked back inside and Vic made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, pretzels, and a juice box for Copeland.

"Thanks Uncle Victor," Cope said in an adorable little voice. She nibbled away at the food.

"You're welcome," answered Vic.

"Tone?" I asked. "What time are we going out tonight?"

"You guys are going out?" Mike asked. "I'm in."

"Me too!" laughed Kellin.

"Oh come on Kel," said Katelynne, "Let them have their date."

In the end Katelynne had to drive Copeland home but our date consisted of Kellin, Mike, Jaime, Vic, Tony, and myself. I'd just have to remember to crash their next date to get even.

-AN- Second update today 💘😘 thanks so much for reading. The song in the description is by Sleeping With Sirens. (The band Kellin sings in) I made Katelynne nice in this fic cause she always seemed nice to me and I don't get why some people don't like her. I really like how the title which is a line from The First Punch fits with this chapter. Anyways, make sure to vote 😏💕 and I'll update soon. 💜

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