I'm Sorry

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We all sat huddled around a table at Taco Bell.

"Thank you," Vic said, looking up from his taco.

Mike nodded as if to say the same. I wiped my hands on a napkin, it was like the Fuentes brothers where the only ones not acting all weird around me.

We finished up our food and walked back out into the warm San Diego air.

"So what do you wanna do?" asked Jaime, I could see Tony glare at him.

I shrugged awkwardly. "How about we go to the arcade?"

"But the little kids always get scared of me there," complained Mike.

"He's really not kidding," Vic assured me.

"Fine." I said after I finished laughing at him. "Let's do something else then."

"We could go to the zoo!" I shouted after a moment of thinking.

"Will there be turtles?!" screamed Tony. A few families turned to stare at us causing me to blush.

Vic laughed at me. "What?" I asked defensively. "I want people to like me."

He shook his head. "Not everybody has to like you." he said to me, but he looked up at Tony and Jaime.

This is the most awkward Taco Bell meet up ever.

We ended up all going to the zoo. Tony and Jaime and Vic disappeared to find the bathroom well I sat down on a branch with Mike.

"Mike?" I asked, after a moments pause.

"Yeah little Lindsey?" He asked.

"The guys are all acting weird around me." I said lamely.

"Oh, don't worry about them. They're just weird in general." He assured me.

"But Jaime kissed me." I blurted out.

He starred at me. "Well he broke the bro-code."

"The bro-code?" I repeated.

"It's like the law of being a guy," explained Mike.

"But Mike...I really like Tony, but I also like Jaime." I said. "I don't know, it's really confusing."

"Hmm...well you should figure it out fast. It's not fair to lead them both on," he advised.

"You're right, but how do I tell them?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "I guess all you can do is be honest."

I nodded along in thought. I tried to laugh, and have fun with the guys at the zoo, but the whole time I was just too busy thinking of who to choose. In the end, I knew what I had to do. It was clear who I had to let go.

Tony's POV

We all cracked jokes, trying to make Lindsey smile. Sometimes it worked, but it was clear other things where going on in her mind. I was about to ask her what was wrong when jaime looked over at me.

"Look Tony!!! It's the turtles!!!" he exclaimed.

I looked up with a smile on my face and pulled out my phone. I took dozens of photos, I'm not sure what it was about turtles that was so appealing to me.

"Would you like us to take your photo?" asked a couple passing by.

I handed the my camera and we all lined up by the glass enclosure. Lindsey was in the middle, a bright grin on her face. I was to the left of her and Vic was on the right. Next to Vic was Jaime, and Mike was beside me. We all grinned, especially me.

"Turtles!" Squealed Lindsey.

"Turtles!" We all repeated. The flash went off and the guy handed me back my camera.

"Thanks." I told him.

"No problem," he replied, walking away.

I looked at the picture, smiling. We all looked so happy. This was how things where supposed to be, Lindsey at my side. Instead of now where I always get the feeling I'm losing her.

AN- sorry for taking so long to update, I'll try an update more. I've just been busy lately.
Hope you all had a good thanksgiving and I wish you all a happy holidays! ❄️⛄️

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