Hold On Till May (Pierce The Veil)

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Lindsey's POV

I woke up to the sound of rain beating against my house. I hesitantly stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I got dressed in my work uniform and did my makeup. I put on some black vans and brushed my hair, teeth, and stared at myself in the mirror. "Ugly." I muttered. My long black and blue hair came down just past my shoulders. My nose was too small with a piercing on the left side, my eyes to far apart. I was short and fat, I really hate myself. But after years of people pointing out my flaws, I know them by heart. I remember every mean name anybody has ever called me stupid, fat, ugly, worthless, freak, attention seeker, etc.

I unplugged my cellphone from its charger and stuck it in my back pocket. It was 6:00 am so I had 30 minutes to get to work. I ran through the rain and into the safety of my car. It wasn't much, but it worked. I stuck the key in the hole and watched it come to life. I cranked up king for a day on my stereo. It was the perfect song for me and my career. I worked at a little bakery where I am constantly criticized by rude customers and employees and live off a tiny paycheck and tips.

The windshield wipers where fighting back rain furiously as I pulled into the parking lot. I ran inside trying to avoid getting wet. "You're late." Hissed Annabel, the assistant manager.

"It's only 6:32 and it happens to be pouring." I say annoyed.

"Rules are rules Lindsey, if you can't follow them don't work here." She says.

"Trust me, if I could get a job anywhere else. I would." I mumble.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Nothing." I mumbled. And luckily, Annabel has worked with me long enough to know to let it go. I put on my brown apron and begin looking through cookbooks for the Lemonade Pie recipe.

I hear the bell jingling announcing the arrival of a customer but don't bother turning around. I was humming my favorite song, hold on till May by pierce the veil.

"Excuse me?" Says a familiar voice. I turn around to see Vic Fuentes standing in front of me. "Can I get a pumpkin spice breakfast bar and a cup of coffee?"

"Vic Fuentes?" I choke out. Vic doesn't drink coffee at weird little bakery's, or does he. He smiles and I just now notice the girl standing next to him. It was Cara Crawford. She was glaring at me but I didn't really care, I was meeting Vic Fuentes.

"Are you a fan?" He asks smiling at me.

"How could I not be? You saved my life." I say.

"Well, I'm glad to be able to help such a beautiful girl." He says softly causing me to blush.

"Could you hurry up with the food?" Snaps Cara in a squeaky high-pitched voice. Vic frowns. I quickly pull a pumpkin spice breakfast bar and pour a cup of coffee as instructed. I hand it to her.

"That'll be $9.00." I say happily. He hands me a 20.

"Keep the change." He says.

"Thank you Vic." I mumble. I watch as Vic and Cara take a seat at a small wooden table.

"Vic?" She hisses. "How could you flirt with that girl like that?" I move to the table closest to them and begin cleaning it to hear more of they're conversation.

"She was a fan, I was being nice." He says annoyed.

"I saw the way you looked at her, don't lie to me!" She screams the last part.

Before I even know what she's doing, she stands up and splashes the steamy coffee all over me. I can feel my skin burn and hear her cursing under her breath. She storms out of the coffee shop.

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