Fast Forward

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Lindsey's POV

My first day back to work had rolled around. Annabelle was nicer to me and didn't say a word about me being eight minutes late. I served old people their coffee for a while, glancing up at the TV in the corner while I cleaned tables.

After work I hung up my apron and told Annabelle goodbye. I climbed into my car, checking my phone while the engine warmed up.

I had a missed text from Vic 6 minutes ago, "Meet us at S273942 Western Road ASAP."

Western Road? Wasn't that like a empty side road that no one uses since they built the super highway? I shrugged and drove there anyways.

I eventually found Vic sitting outside a bus, what was he doing? It was freezing outside. I pulled I up into the gravelly parking lot.

I climbed out of the car and he grinned. "Now!" he called to the bus, as if it was alive.

Suddenly a big banner fell down in front of the windows, Jaime and Mike where on the top of the bus holding it in place.

The bus door swung open and Tony walked off in a plaid shirt and skinny jeans. He was holding flowers, I blushed.

I looked back up at the colorful sign, "TOUR WITH ME?"

It was like a prom proposal, I smiled. Tony handed me the flowers and got down on one knee, "Lindsey O'Clair, will you go on tour with us?"

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Yes!"

Jaime and Mike climbed down from the top of the bus, Vic pulled out a camera and we all took a picture.

"It was Jaime's idea to do the prom like thing," said Tony.

He did? It sounded like Jaime, but I couldn't believe it. It was really sweet of him to back off and let me date Tony, even help Tony serenade me.

Tony drove home with me as I called Annabelle and told her I would have to take a break from work for the next few months. She unhappily agreed and eventually I reached home.

I ran upstairs and packed clothes, shoes, makeup, electronics, my notebook, etc. Tony was down in the kitchen eating some cereal so I unscrewed the vent in my wall, silently sliding a small wooden box of razor blades and tucked it into the bottom of my suitcase. I buried it in clothes. "Just in case," I whispered to myself.

I walked downstairs and Tony carried my suitcase to the bus outside where Mike, Jaime, and Vic where waiting. We technically didn't leave till next week, we just all decided to get the bus ready out of excitement.

A week slowly passed by and it was time for tour. I finished making sure my house was all ready to leave and I locked the door, the tour director hired a driver who was picking us all up. I was last on the list.

I climbed onto the bus and was greeted by all four boys ambushing me with silly string. I laughed and wrestled Jaime's can of purple silly string from his hands.

After we finished I walked back to the bunks. Tony, Mike, Vic, and Jaime had all ready claimed their bunks leaving me with the Top bunk, left side.

I pushed my suitcase onto the bunk and then stepped on Jaime's bunk, below mine, to push myself back up.

It was pretty small up here but I could make it work. I was 5'4 and 96 lbs. First stop was in Arizona. I'd actually only been there once, back in high school. My friend Kate borrowed her uncles van and Kate, Johnnie, Bryan, Vincent and I went to Arizona for spring break.

It was so much fun, one of my few good high school memories. I miss Kate, I should call her sometime. I said goodbye to my future home away from home and drove back home with Tony in the passenger seat, and Vic, Mike, and Jaime crammed in the back. "You guys wanna hang out at my house?" I offered.

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