Chapter Twenty-One*

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*Warning: This chapter contains mild mature content.*

As Imelda and I emerged into the common room that morning, there was a new form up on the board. A sign-up sheet for Apparition Class for the sixth and seventh years only. Imelda and I signed our names on the sheet right away.

"I've always wanted to apparate!" She said approvingly.

"I have, actually. Well, side apparition. It's jarring. But I bet I'd like it better if I were doing it myself." I remembered Ellie taking me to the Ministry that first day and grinned at the memory.

"What's this? Sebastian asked from behind us.

"Apparition class sign up." Imelda answered him. "Are you interested?"

"I can already apparate. My parents taught Anne and me when we were young. But of course, I should probably have a license..." He signed his name right under ours and shot a timid smile at me.

On our way back to my house last week, I had filled him in on how my ancient magic powers were evolving but only when I was filled with a great emotion like rage. And I also told him how I hadn't found anything about it in my research at the Ministry.

He immediately offered to assist in the search for answers about it. Just like Omi had when I had told him. I was feeling grateful for my friends today.

"What about you, Ominis?" Imelda addressed the blonde boy as he also emerged from the dorm and headed in our direction. "Interested in apparating?"

"Well, that would be QUITE the challenge considering I can't see where I'm apparating to. So, I'm thinking it's a 'no' for me, thanks." He said sarcastically.

I couldn't help the smile on my face. His snarky replies were always one of my favorite things about him.

"Join me for breakfast?" I asked him, trying to reclaim our regular routine from before we were dating.

"Of course, my dear." He extended his arm, which I took. Just as we walked away, I looked back to see the strangest expression on Sebastian's face. It wasn't his usual disdain or clear hatred. It was something new... I couldn't place it. But he and Imelda fell into step behind us, the four of us chatting mildly.

"Omi, can I talk to you after class today?" I asked as we walked.

His face dropped slightly and he turned his face to mine, I presumed trying to gauge my intention.

I chuckled softly. "It's nothing bad. I just want to clear some things up. And talk about something that happened last weekend."

"Ok. I'll be all ears... Should be easy considering I don't have sight." He and I both chuckled at his joke.

"You know, Omi, you constantly complain that your classmates never give up on their blind jokes and how lame they always are. But I find you crack more blind jokes than they do. Interesting, eh?" I commented.

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." He smiled coyly.


After classes that day, I met Omi in the Quad Courtyard. It used to be one of our favorite places to come study in the fall. Now, with the colder weather as winter was approaching, and our recent break up, it seemed darker and more foreboding.

We picked a bench near some still blooming fall flower bushes and sat together.

"So, fill me in on your weekend." He said while rubbing his hands together to fight off the chill.

"Well, I'm not sure where to start..."

"Uh oh. That can't be good. Well, I always find it's best to start at the beginning."

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now