Chapter Forty-Eight

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Classes were advanced here. We had moved on to volatile potions in Potioneering and Alchemy class. I enjoyed it, too. Sebastian and I always excelled at potions. And I wanted to impress Professor Sharp, so I paid extra attention every day. And Magical Plants and Herbs was the same way. Everything always needed handled with extra care. I loved it though. We were still learning so much even though we weren't home. I had been worried we wouldn't receive the same level of education as we would have received at Hogwarts.

Seb especially loved Dueling Class. Practically no rules and almost daily duels. He was always in his element. I thought he would have made a really good Auror but neither of us really wanted anything to do with the Ministry. Understandably. 

Today was no different in Dueling Class. The professor, as usual, called for a duel and it looked like my time trying to hide inside the crowd had ended.

"Let's have a duel today, shall we?" He spoke. "Let's go with... our first and second place Champions. Mr. Avery, Ms. Bennett if you will, please step to the center of the room. I think we are all curious after watching your last task about how you two will fare against each other." The Professor smiled.

Will was cheekily grinning at me. He had wanted a proper duel since the first day I met him. I squeezed Seb's hand and he gave me an encouraging smile. I pulled away reluctantly and went to join Will in the center dueling rectangle in the room.

Will shook my hand and I squeezed back equally. "Good luck, Rach." He smiled at me.

"You too, Will." My smile echoed his.

"Now, you may use nonverbal magic. Wandless magic. Anything we have been discussing this term. I expect you to have a clean duel. Let's not get carried away... but show us what you've got! Begin!" The Professor called.

We both put our wands at the ready and circled each other in small half circles on each side of our dueling rectangle, sizing each other up.

Will's wand flourished without a word spoken. It looked like a disarming charm.

"Protego!" I yelled quickly. And shot a well timed, silent Stupefy back at him, hoping to catch him off guard.

"Protego!" He yelled back just in time.

We circled again.

I concentrated, flipped my wand and sent a knockback jinx his way. Not knowing what I was sending, he rolled to the side, coming back up to his feet while flourishing his wand, sending what appeared to be a levitation charm at me. I jumped to the other side and his charm missed completely.

We studied each other again. Pacing our semi-circles with our eyes locked.

I decided to go with a reliable standby, "Accio!" I called and it hit him square in the chest and immediately pulled him to me by his shirt.

"Finite!" He called instantly and dropped back down to his feet. "Flipendo!" he yelled, to counter.

I silently shielded just in time and then yelled "Stupefy!" Trying to nail him. He froze. I must have stunned him.

"Levioso!" I called and he rose into the air a yard or so and hung there stunned. "Glacius." I said calmly. He immediately froze, encased in ice. I smiled. I was about to deliver a quick end when he instantly melted and landed on his feet.

He must have silently undid my charms.

He whipped around quickly and sent a blasting charm my way, yelling "Confringo!" I did a quick swift-roll and dashed myself to the complete other side of the dueling rectangle. I looked him in the eyes. A blasting charm was NOT clean play. His eyes looked a little hurt. He was upset that I had gotten the better of him for a moment... well, if he wasn't going to play fair... then, game on!

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now