Chapter Twenty-Three*

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*Warning: This chapter contains mild mature content.*

"Rachel! Rachel, can you hear me?" Strong arms were cradling my head. Strong, warm arms. I just wanted to stay in those warm arms. And sleep.

"Rachel, dear, open your eyes. Please!" Was that Omi? His voice sounded pained. I should answer him.

I tried opening my mouth but nothing happened. I was just so tired.

"T...ire...d." I tried to squeak out.

"Did she say something?" Sebastian's voice, right above my face. I must be in his lap, his arms curled around me protectively. He was so warm and comforting.

"I don't know what to do! What should we do?" Sebastian's voice was getting hysterical.

I tried as hard as I could to move or speak. I concentrated on my mouth, how it feels when I speak. If I could just tell them that I was fine but very tired, maybe they'd stop worrying. And stop yelling! I wanted to sleep.

"I... I'm tir...ed." I tried again.

"She spoke. She said, 'I'm tired'." There was relief in Sebastian's voice. "M... maybe we should just let her rest?"

"Maybe. I mean, she's not glowing anymore. Maybe it's safe to let her rest and recover. That was some serious shit she just did!" Ominis sounded awestruck.

Glowing? What did that mean? And why was Ominis so impressed? Had I really done something that amazing? Had I really cured Anne? And where was Anne? Was she ok? Merlin, I hoped I didn't hurt her. I hoped so badly that she and Sebastian could mend their relationship and finally get to be brother and sister again. I hoped...

I couldn't stay half-conscious any longer and I finally let the darkness wash over me once again. It was peaceful.


I awoke slowly. Blinking my tired eyes several times not able to place where I was. The ceiling I was looking at was not familiar. There was a small window nearby. No light through the curtain though. It must be nighttime. I assessed my surroundings.

I was warm. Too warm. Hot. I could feel sweat forming on my neck. I was unable to move as well. I felt like I was in a cage! I started to panic slightly and then realized the cage was moving. Breathing. I couldn't move because I was completely encased in Sebastian's arms. He was holding me so tightly, like if he didn't, I would fly away or something. His soft breaths exhaling into my hair. He was so, so warm though. Hard to breathe like that. I tried to adjust slightly without waking him, just so I could breathe a little.

As soon as I pushed ever so slightly away from his heated body, he stirred. He had one chocolatey eye on me, spying me awake and moving.

"Hi, darling." His sleep voice came out croaky and tired.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you. It's just so hot!"

"Oh. Sorry." He pulled away slightly so I could breathe. "You were thrashing. And it was the only way I could keep you safe. You know. Arm Prison." He smirked.


"Yes, I assumed you were having nightmares, or recovering from this ... adventure. I wanted to keep you safe. Here. With me."

"Well, I like it." I snuggled back in. "And no, I had no dreams. Not one. Not that I can remember anyway." I said into his chest.

"How are you feeling?" He changed the subject.

"Ok, I think. Just really tired. So drained."

"Well, I suppose that's to be expected. You did a massive thing today." He smiled.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now