(Extra) As Expected

376 20 13

The breeze blew her beautiful blue hair. While staring at the crib. The baby had white hair, the blood of a God flowed within him. holding full power over demons and humans.

Yu Huang was the name his mother gave him.

A small laugh escaped from his tiny mouth as he played with his aunt. one of the 5 true dragons, Velgrynd.

Velgrynd: Look at you! Awwww... you're so adorable!

Yu Huang: *giggles* gaa!

Another laugh echoed through the room. A white-haired woman was playing with a baby who had the same hair color as Velgrynd.

Celeste is the name her father gave her. a girl who rules heaven and earth and everything in it. just like her brother, Celeste also naturally has the blood of a God flowing in her. with just a word, she can command hundreds or even thousands of angels. but that will be saved for later.

Velzard: Celeste-chan! Your beautiful aunt would give anything for you! Just say the word!

Celeste: ga...? *giggles*

While the two dragons were immersed in their obsession, a blond-haired man with tanned skin could only put on a defeated expression. standing beside him was none other than his brother.

Veldora: I want to spoil my niece and nephew too, you know... *sulk*

Rimuru: Come on, cheer up... just wait for your turn-

Ciel: Report! Detecting three people approaching Jade's chamber. Arrival time... two minutes from now. Should I activate the barrier?

Rimuru: ohh? no... no... let them be. *chuckles*

A smirk curved his lips as he looked at Veldora. He grabbed his shoulder and patted it.

Rimuru: follow me. I'll treat you to something delicious instead!

Soon enough, Veldora's eyes lit up as he followed Rimuru down to Liyue harbor in search of food. While Ningguang was absent due to a meeting with another Qixing, it was only Velzard and Velgrynd who took care of the babies.

Peace, the Jade Chamber was filled with the laughter of the babies... until...


A man with a hollow mask walked confidently into the room. This caught the attention of the Vel sisters as they glared at the man.

Velzard: who are you?

The man then looked towards Velzard, sensing danger. but that was probably just his imagination. Right? he then suddenly dashed towards velzard, a sword appeared on his hand.

???: Hand over the babies and no one get hur-gahhk!?

before he could finish his sentence, velzard easily grabbed his head and slammed capitano to the floor. Her grip slowly tightened as ice particles began to envelop capitano's body.

Capitano struggled, he tried to break free from Velzard's grip but the more he moved, the faster the ice particles covered his entire body.

Velzard: You'll die for saying that.... vermin!

She loosened her grip, grabbed Capitano's face and lifted him up. She then threw him out of the chamber and continued the fight. while Velgrynd was greeted by a strange masked man.

Dottore: Well that was unexpected...

he commented on the one-sided fight. but he ignored it and walked over to velgrynd. a small laugh escaped his mouth, looking down at the white-haired baby.

Dottore: And you? My calculations say that you-aghhh!?

He was burned by Velgrynd's flame.

Velgrynd: Worthless insect...


Surprisingly, he survived the attack. Or is he?

Dottore: That was quite an attack. To think that you could wipe out my segment with one move... so you're really th-gahhk!?

Yes, he's on fire once again.

Velgrynd: Hoo? A segment you say?

Dottore: will you let me finish my word-gahkk!?


Again and again.

Dottore: gahh... *pant* alright... alright... don't kill me...

Velgrynd: very interesting. I can feel your so-called segments as I hold your soul... ohh? *grin*

A wicked grin spreads across her lips. realizing her intentions, Dottore can't help but take a step back. She's completely destroyed his character.

Velgrynd: Do you want to find out?

Dottore: *gulp*


Meanwhile, at the liyue harbor. Rimuru and Veldora were enjoying their meal. The table was already full of plates thanks to Veldora, while Rimuru only ordered a few sandwiches, unlike Veldora.

This naturally annoyed Rimuru, but on a second thought, it wouldn't hurt to spend a little money on him.

Veldora: hmm... you are indeed my brother! I knew I could count on you! Kuahahahahaha!

His laughter filled the street, while passersby ignored him. the bustling harbor and the smell of the sea... it was amazing.

They talked and laughed, spending time together. immersed in a sea of clouds as their ears were slowly hypnotized by the sound of footsteps going back and forth. peaceful tranquility entered their bodies, enjoying the breeze of teyvat.

Until an explosion come from the sky followed by ice... or the right word to describe it would be snow. Liyue Harbor... experienced their first snowfall.


Hi, author here... fyi this story still alive. I just lost motivation.

Well if you want me to updated the story more often then hop on my discord server (bio)

And give me your guys idea, that'd help me alot.


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