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Jungkook got up early in the morning when he got a call from jimin that they have arrived at daegu and currently staying at a hotel,, he also asked jungkook about his grandmother.


Jungkook was reluctant to tell them on phone, he assured jimin that he will come to their hotel in next one hour. He got ready and called mingyu to meet him at xx hotel where jimin and others are staying.


He also asked him to bring hana along with him ,, only to know that hana was sleeping as she got too much drunk in club last night.


Jungkook called a cab as his mind was preoccupied and he doesn't need any more stress. Driving was not a good idea for him..


After mingyu left ,, hana woke up after sometime she got heavily drunk last night and was nursing his hangover with soup. She was so embarrassed to face mingyu that's why she pretended to sleep until mingyu left to wherever.


Last evening she went to a cafe for a blind date, his date didn't showed up however he met someone else .


The hot doctor she met in AMC. Hoseok was there to get his coffee refill on the way back to his place.


They both greeted eachother, hoseok was still hesitant as their last encounter was not much peaceful. He apologized for his lack of patience and invited her for a drink ,, one drink turned into two than three and hana lost count after seven.


They chatted ideally about mundane topics for a long time..

In her alcohol induced brain she kissed hoseok who was too stunned to react and before he can push or pull she backed away ,,


hana almost got sobered up , when hoseok dropped her back to her place without a single word.

Hana in spur of moment lost control, she was sure hoseok will believe her to be a pervert.. after some time of mopping around in the apartment she recived a Text from mingyu that he will be going to AMC with jungkook.

"I will also join." She texted back, knowing she needs to apologise to hoseok. It was the first time in his life she carelessly throwed himself on someone. She was embarrassed and shameful upto an extent.

However she had bubbling feelings in her heart for hoseok and want to know him more , only if hoseok would be ready to give her a chance,, she was ready to pursue him,,

she got ready in a beautiful dress and did a light make up. She felt overdressed for a hospital visit, than smirked at the mirror,, I will woo you Jung hoseok ,just wait and watch for Kim hana...

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