Chapter 3

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Bridget's POV
2 weeks later.
I traveled down the hall, towards Mrs. Green's room; eager to move the day along and go home. Before I got a chance to sit down, the room's chatter flooded into my ears--gossip about a recent fight that went down earlier. I let out a small labored breath at the thought of fighting; I quickly sat down, trying to cue into their conversations.
"Did you hear about the fight?" Arden, the girl who sat in front of me whispered.
"Yeah, yeah...Wasn't it Sprayberry and Carver? I heard it was pretty brutal, they're not letting anyone down by the gym for the time being, and there was an ambulance too." Colton turned to her in his seat, leaning forward to make sure there weren't any 3rd parties. I had literally just came from P.E, and it was Dylan? Why was I disappointed? I knew the type of guy he was, I should've expected as much.
"Who do you think won?" Arden continued, her voice high in curiosity.
"Definitely Dylan, there's at least a 5 day suspension--he must've beat Carver up pretty badly." Colton shuddered, shaking his head at the thought of it.

I leaned back in my seat, and stared at Dylan's empty desk at the front of the class. I wondered if Crystal knew about it yet, she surely had to with the buzz going around the school. I was a bit worried for her, I mean--was she even safe living with such a hazard in the house? She's still alive after 8 years, but still. This wasn't the first time i've heard of Dylan beating the living daylights out of a kid, i'd heard of it multiple times backed up by his absence but it wasn't quite as effective as it was now. Maybe it was because of Crystal being my friend or just because he was nice to me, once. Arden and Colton turned back to the board as Mrs. Green returned from hallway duty, although she wasn't very prudent with that either. Geometry was difficult, I was more distracted than usual--my mind wandering back to where Dylan was right now. I was being ridiculous honestly, I shouldn't care. I don't.

The bell rung, clearing a stupor cloud enclosing in on my head. I collected my things, no longer in a hurry to leave. By the time I had neatly packed my backpack, nearly the whole class had cleared out--which just left me with Mrs. Green. I quickly pulled the one-strap backpack over my head so it rested over my chest, I glanced out the window; rain again. I began fiddling with my zipper, trying to pull the jacket closer so it'd be manageable but the backpack sash was hindering that, riding up my coat sleeves. Frustrated, I abandoned the task and began making my way towards the door. I smile shyly at Mrs. Green on the way out, she grabs my arm and brings me back before I crossed the threshold of the door.
I turned fully towards her, wondering if i'd done something wrong.
"Bridget--you are Dylan Sprayberry's friend aren't you?" She asked curtly. "Not really," I mumbled thinking back to the scores of days he'd been missing lately.
"You do know him, yes?" Mrs. Green rolled her eyes impatiently, gathering papers on her desk. I nodded quickly, not in the mood for arguing. She shoved the stack of papers into my hands,
"Take these to his house, will you? I've tried getting in contact with his parents to send them to him, but they don't seem to be home. You understand, don't you? You don't want your friend to fall behind." If only she knew he wasn't really my friend--but it only seemed like a bribe to get the homework over to him anyway.
"He has a sister," I noted reluctantly. Mrs. Green narrowed her eyes, behind her circle rimmed glasses.
"Then give them to her, I really don't have time for this. Just please, make sure he gets them." She seemed desperate enough, I could sympathize with her in that way--not wanting someone like him in her class for a 2nd time. I agreed unwillingly and left with the stack of papers in hand.

Once outside, I tucked the papers into my backpack carefully--and began my long trudge towards Holland waiting for me by her car. I jogged over, carefully this time, so I wouldn't cause anymore pain than needed.
"Hey, sorry i'm late. Mrs. Green held me back." I said apologetically, as I hopped into her car.
"Ooohh Bridget you rebel, what'd you do this time?" She grinned teasingly, starting up the engine.
"Write an essay with 10001 words instead of 10000?" I laughed nervously, not funny.
"No. She wanted me to get a classmate's work to them." I replied edgily,
"By the way, could you stop me at Tasha Sprayberry's?" Holland nearly slammed her foot on the break, and spewed ice coffee all over the wheel and dashboard.
"Why the hell do you want to go there?"
"I assume you know Dylan--?" I added, handing her a handful of napkins I found in a compartment. Holland shook her head,
"Dunno who that is. But I know the eldest one, Tyler Hoechlin. He was in my year, is he in jail yet?" She looked over at me.
I shrugged,
"I didn't know he had a brother. And why do they have different surnames?"
"Makes sense and I have no idea" Holland nodded agreeably, running her fingers through her hair worriedly as if she was trying to block out some long gone memory.
"If this Dylan is anything like Tyler, then you're just walking into the lion's din."
"I know." I replied, suddenly in a foul mood.

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