Chapter 6

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Dylan's POV
I bounced the ball on the ceiling--the activity preoccupying me for the last hour and a half. I caught the ball, and tossed it to the side, disinterested. For a second I listened to Crystal and Bridget in the other room, whispering and giggling. I never understood girls.
I rolled over onto my side, and stared at the hole in the wall.

I was miserable and I knew it. I examined my bruised knuckles, and the scars around them. I gripped my hand into a fist, a position I was familiar with. Again, I was angry for no apparent reason. I stood up briskly, throwing on a t-shirt and raking a hand through my hair. These mood swings had only been happening recently, when did they start exactly? I considered it--then dismissed the ridiculous notion. It couldn't have been her. The mood swings ranged from me being pissed to the point to where I just blacked out and lashed out and anything at everything--then, sometimes lapsing into immediate sadness, where it hurt so bad to just be here i'd scream from somewhere inside me. My sadness didn't match up to others, my tears long since dried out and escaped to some untappable, it was just the need to scream. Or beat the shit out of something.

And then--whenever the clumsy girl next door tripped into the door, I felt high on joy. Like--I had to control how much I was smiling around her, so I wouldn't look like a crazed rapist or something. She was, in fact--scared of me. I could understand that. Some what. Although i've never done anything particularly threatening to her, was she one of those girls who absolutely needed people like me 10 feet away? No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't justify her distance towards me. I wasn't in anyway, threatening her. It was the people around me, I threatened. I knew I was tipping towards that feeling, I felt the familiarness of it breaking out of the dead underbrush all over again. I had the overwhelming need to protect her, like if she were to get hurt--so much as scrap her knee on the sidewalk, i'd seriously feel like it was my fault.

I felt myself lapsing again, and left the room. I strolled over to Crystal's room, and leaned against the closed door. They had no idea I was there.
"I guess its hard." Bridget said, with an exhausted sigh.
"I get it...I'll tell Dylan to lay off, okay?" Crystal said sympathetically, and I heard movement. I leaned away from the door, me Dylan? Lay off of who?
"No!" Bridget exclaimed suddenly, making me jump.
"I mean--its not his fault. It has nothing to do with him, okay? Its my fault for acting weird." She let out a water downed laugh and I cringed reaching for the door knob.
"I'm going to go get Dylan. Everything will be just fine."

I could've got an award for how fast I got into my room. I jumped onto my bed, grabbed a book from my nightstand and opened it to a random page just as Crystal walked in.
"Yo." She greeted, glancing around my room and grimacing.
"Make your own popcorn." I replied bleakly.
"That's not it, asshole." Crystal leaned against the door frame, in her pitiful excuse for pj's.
"Then what do you want?" I said dismissively,
"I'm very busy."
"I can't see how you can be busy when your reading that book upside down," She smirked as if she knew everything that was going on in my head. I rolled my eyes unfazed, and put the book back on the nightstand.
"Feel honored, Bridget and I want you to watch a movie with us." Crystal continued, crossing her arms.
"Why?" I said suspiciously.
"Bridget feel's bad you have to sit in here all alone," She said.
"What did she really say?" I shot her a look.
"She's probably worried your plotting to get in a gang fight after we go to sleep--come down, were watching Pirates of the Carribean." Crystal snickered at my expression, and skipped over to her room to retrieve Bridget.

I sighed, and shuffled downstairs into the kitchen. I made more popcorn anyway, and grabbed a bunch of snacks before heading into the living room. Bridget had sat on the far side of the couch, Crystal on the recliner--leaving me the option of the floor or next to Bridget. I took a step towards the couch and sat opposite of Bridget, leaving a whole cushion in between us. I crammed popcorn into my mouth, then passed the bowl to Crystal's awaiting black hole--and put the box of pizza on the cushion for the both of us to share.
Bridget reached for a slice, the same one I reached for--our fingers brushing just as the trailer began to play on the screen. She snatched her hand away, as if i'd shocked her--and shrank back farther into the couch. I pretended not to notice and leaned against the arm of the sofa, turning my attention back to the flat screen.

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