Chapter 4

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Bridget's POV
"Thanks." I mumbled looking in Dylan's direction, as we pulled up to my house. He leans his elbow against the wheel, and sets his jaw.
"Its nothing." He looked over at me, smiling--but he didn't look happy. I quickly hopped out of the truck, Crystal following.
"Where do you think you're going?" Dylan sighed, running a hand through his hair. He sounded exhausted.
"To say hi to Mrs. Holt, duh." Crystal explained slamming the door, and leading the way to the door. I had to admit I was still a bit shaken about what happened earlier, and yet Crystal seemed so unfazed. This is why--I think she'd get her heart broken if she'd ever get into a relationship. I thought she was to carefree, she didn't protect herself at all. I glanced back at Dylan, I couldn't quite tell because of the dark, but it looked like he was watching me. I quickly turned my head, shuffling up to the door, and putting the key into the lock and pushing the door open.

Olivia appeared from behind the couch again, her eyes glued to the window--then shifting over to me, a sly smile on her face.
"Is he here?"
"No, just Crystal." I lied, she'd been talking about Dylan ever since he'd dropped me off. Crystal sent me a confused look,
"Hey Olly, what's up?"
"Is your brother here? Is he?" Olivia ignored me, as I threw my wet sneakers into the corner and peeled my hoodie off of me. I slung my backpack into that corner too, I guess my math homework would have to go unfinished. I was to tired mentally, and physically--with all of the muscle clenching and labored breathing you would've thought I was having anxiety attacks.
"Dylan? Yeah, he's here. In the car." Crystal replied skeptically, pointing in the direction of the door. Olivia's eyes lit up, then flew to me,
"You're trying to keep him a secret." She told me, scrunching up her nose. I opened my mouth to reply, when she interrupts with a blood curdling scream for mom. She comes running out of the kitchen, looking flustered.
"What's wrong? Who's bleeding?"
"Dylan's here, mommy. Remember you said you wanted to talk to him next time he drove Bridgy home." Olivia crossed her arms, clearly satisfied with herself. Dylan looked at me,
"Next time? He's taken you home before?" She didn't look particularly pleased, more like an irritated curiosity.
"Once." I'd forgotten to tell her, not realizing it was such a big deal. My mom looked at me, suspicion blooming in her eyes, but an excited expression smothering that.
"Bring him in!" She squealed running to the window. Dylan looked at me, an eyebrow raised--
"Yeah," She rolled her eyes,
"Bring him in, Dylan." Confused, I pulled on my sneakers again and looked back at Crystal. She was staring at the hardwood floor, her eyebrows creased with irritation. I opened the door, and left the safety of my porch for the truck.

Dylan was sitting in the exact same position he'd been sitting in, his eyes directed on the door--arms leaned against the wheel. I tapped lightly with my knuckles on the window, and his head snaps in my direction making me jump. He rolls down the window, and leans over the side of the seat with a quizzical expression.
"You really don't have to do this--but my mom wants to meet you, it doesn't mean anything, its just...she's weird like that." I stammered, babbling again. "You don't have to." Dylan releases the seat belt from around his waist, and got out of the car.
"Its fine...I don't want your mom thinking she can't trust me to take you home or anything." He breathed, walking around the truck and standing in front of me. He smelled lightly of cigarette smoke, although i'd never seen him smoke--and something else, like a really expensive cologne. I walked past him, trying not to groan at the scene Olivia and my mom would cause, before i'd detected the exact scent he was. I could feel his eyes on me as I reluctantly led him up to the porch, I had really hoped that he'd only be taking me home that one time to avoid this. Olivia was at the door with in seconds of him crossing the lip of the threshold. Crystal was leaned up against the wall, staring me down as I closed the front door.

"Hi, my name is Olivia." She said promptly, standing on the tips of her toes and smiling.
"I'm 10 but some people say I look 13."
Typical Olivia. Dylan raised his eyebrows, then looked over at me. "Your sister?" I nodded, looking away. He looked so out of place in my living room, with a black tank top on, a button down shirt opened and hanging off of his muscled shoulder, and jeans slightly hanging off of his waist--he looked threatening.
"You must be Dylan Sprayberry?" My mom practically glided to him, her eyes glittering.
"And you must be Mrs. Holt, nice to meet you." Dylan said politely, although his voice was strained like it pained him to be so kind. He held out a hand and shook her small one. He began to use his charms on my mother, making her laugh and blush like a teenage girl.
"You're very pretty...Your whole family is." Dylan said, and--I swore he gave me the slightest, smallest side glance. I slowly began to inch my way towards the kitchen.
"Oh you! You're quite the charmer aren't you?" My mom blushed wildly, making me roll my eyes. Dylan smiled in that to-sweet kind of way, making me wonder why he was so hooked on impressing my mother.
"You're welcome to stay for dinner, both of you." She glanced in Crystal's direction, her cheeks still, a rosy pink.
"No we're good unless Dylan isn't done kissing up?" Crystal looked over at him, her eyebrow raised--eyes poised to roll again. I wanted to sink into the wall, why was Crystal so hostile all of a sudden? Dylan looked over at me, then shook his head as if he'd decided on something.
"Yeah--I think i'm done." He chuckled darkly, pulling the sleeve off his buttoned up shirt back over his shoulder.
"Are we still going to the mall tomorrow?" I asked, grabbing Crystal's shoulder. She looked back at me,
"I guess."
"Cool--" I smiled cheerfully, pretending I didn't notice the change in her mood.
"I'll see you tomorrow, assuming i'm driving..." Dylan said glumly, glancing at Crystal.
"Yeah. You are." She replied bleakly, then walked pass him out the door.
"Come back soon, okay?" Olivia grabbed Dylan's hand eagerly.
"Sure thing, kiddo." He smiled at my mother, then closed the door behind him.

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