Chapter 23

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Dylan's POV
I let my eyes travel down the length of her figure as she lay asleep on my bed. Bridget was tangled in the midst of my blankets, wearing one of my faded t-shirts, the edge just rested below her heart-patterned underwear. She was inadvertently teasing me. I closed my eyes and sighed. When I was finally released from the hospital, I'd been spending a dangerous amount of time with her--considering, our family have yet to be officially informed of our not-so-new relationship status. I was beginning to become careless with my actions, like last night; I'd kidnapped her from her own bed, and brought her to mine, unable to sleep without her.
It'd become almost routine, sleeping together like this. That made me smile.

I wandered over to the black dresser where my pain medication sat.
Some days were worst than others, where just breathing felt like a dozen needles shooting through my lungs. The better days, when I managed to stomach the meds and block it all out--
Those were the days I spent with Bridget, like my medication, she made the pain subside. I popped open the cap to the orange container, and shook a blue pill onto my hand. I had weekly checkups at the clinic now, where they'd prod and poke until I was sore all over again--leaving me feeling worse than when I came in.
I put the pill on the tip of my tongue, opened the water bottle and tipped my head back. The aftertaste was always bitter.

I found myself back under the covers with Bridget, a breath's length away from touching.
I was close enough to see the tiny tiara-shaped birthmark underneath her eye, close enough to see each individual eyelash brush against her face, close enough to see every reason to why I loved her. I reached out hesitantly, and rested my fingertips on her exposed thigh. Bridget crinkled her nose as I began tracing gentle circles along her skin. I moved closer, leaving a slow trail of kisses down her neck that she would've rejected otherwise. Now that I was here next to Bridget, I realized how much time we spent in bed without actually doing anything. I wanted her in a million different ways, and she'd only been open-minded enough to see a few of them. I smiled, it'd take 1000 years before my typical male fantasies became reality. Strangely, I was still content with just holding Bridget, and my imagination rested in the background of my thoughts, never to resurface until I was alone.

It took me a minute before I realized I was tapping her leg now, frustrated.
Just as Bridget's eyes flashed open, I snapped mine close. Watching someone sleep, I was pulling the Creepy Cullen. I felt her hands fit into the sides of my face, and then tilt my head upward. I didn't have time to wonder what she could be doing, because I was so distracted by the warm and wet thing trailing across the front of my neck and onto my face.
I opened my eyes,
"Did you just lick me?" Bridget snickered and stuck out her tongue, "Faker." I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and looked away,
"What's so wrong with a guy watching his girlfriend sleep?" Bridget shrugged a little, and raised her hands over heads to stretch, revealing more of an eyeful of her childish panties. She snatched the edge of my shirt and tugged it back over her thighs.
"Don't look! Perv." She whispered furiously, sitting up and leaning again my headboard. I sat up too, and her eyes dropped to my bare chest. I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she shuffled away, embarrassed.
"If you don't want me to stare, wear pants to bed." I joked softly, leaning over and pressing my lips to her forehead. Bridget looked at me with those bright brown eyes, and then climbed onto my lap.

I adjusted our weight to be more comfortable and began combing my fingers through her hair. After a while Bridget shifted again, turning so she was directly facing me, her legs resting on either side of my waist.
"What's wrong?" I asked quietly, her lips curving into a frown. I
"I had a dream I was driving the car that hit you...." Her eyes clouded over, and she began shaking her head.
"Bridge... I'm right here. Even if you were the one in the car, which you weren't, my feelings for you wouldn't have changed." I spoke the truth, no matter how cliché it sounded.
"Besides," I smirked.
"You don't even have your learners permit--what would you be doing behind the wheel?" Bridget smiled, but she didn't look convinced. I turned her chin towards me, so I could see her eyes. I began moving closer,

Bridget's long eyelashes fluttered close as the space between us diminished. She leaned in barely, but that was permission enough. It was safe to say, just the nearness of her drove me crazy, if I waited a second longer I could've melted into my bed. All the pent up self control broke--as I winded my fingers through her soft hair, and pulled her closer. I slid my hands down to her waist, lost in the sensation vibrating through my bones. I'd guided Bridget's back to my bed before I even realized it, and had begun lifting the fabric of her shirt. I frantically pulled away out of breath, and feeling stupid as I stared down at Bridget. Small and vulnerable, it would've been all too easy, I saw.
But it wasn't. Nothing was easy about this girl, even now I still hadn't figured her out. I wondered if she thought the same. I stroked the side of her face with the back of my fingers, the silent apology for going to far; Bridget's face was pink, as she sat up and hesitantly pressed her lips to my nose. Her silent way of forgiving me. I ran a hand through my hair, and reached for a T-shirt laying on the ground. I pulled it over my head, and tossed Isabella her shorts, so I wouldn't have another reason to be tempted.

30 minutes later.
"Would you rather live on Mars alone for the rest of your life or swallow a cactus?" She asked casually. I looked down at Bridget, her head was resting on my lap and we'd been playing Would You Rather ever since that....awkward experience.
"Swallow a cactus." I said immediately. "Why?" Bridget scrunched her nose
"I'm afraid of aliens." I shrugged.
Something bumped my bedroom door outside, and we both went quiet--staring at the door. Bridget bolted upward, and began chewing on her lip. It was locked, the way I usually left it with Bridget around. In my peripheral vision, I watched her clutch a pillow to her chest. Bridget hated sneaking around, it was written all over her face whenever we were alone. Despite that, she clung to me whenever the time was right; as if I was leaving the next day for good. It'd been like that since the accident too.

I was guilty of the same crime, I kept Bridget as close as I could nowadays. You never know which moment might be your last.
"Dylan! Are you dead in there? Get up!" Crystal voice filled the room, along with the sound of her fists banging against the door. I looked at Bridget, motioning towards the side of my bed that wasn't visible to the door.
I got up and walked over to the door, and waited as Bridget rolled over the edge of my bed, pulling the blankets along with her.

I swung the door open,
"Hit my door one more time and I'll hurt you." I growled. Crystal stormed in, hands on hips, and scanned my room.
"Ugh, its such a fucking mess in here." She purposefully knocked over a pile of books and granted.
"What do you want anyway?" I sighed, standing in front of Bridget who'd somehow squirmed underneath my bed.
"Time for breakfast and," She paused. "Mom's taking you to the clinic."
I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. Crystal frowned at the ground, and nudged a copy of Tom Sawyer with her sneaker.
"About Tyler too, he says your Dad's paying for an apartment for him to stay down here."
"How do you know this?" I demanded, more than questioned. Crystal held up her hands in surrender,
"He called from an unknown number 3 days after he like disappeared. Said he was going to contact us again but he didn't know when." My father had made the final move with Tyler. I'd been so caught up in this facade of happiness, I didn't even notice my own demonic brothers disappearance.
I ran a hand through my hair, one pain pill never seemed to be enough.

Hey everyone!!!!!! My summer holidays finally started and I'm not going to school for the next 6 weeks YAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!! So that means more time on writing books!!!!!!!!! And I also wanted to tell u that there is only one chapter left of the book!!!!! I hope u really enjoy my books!!! Love u all!!!!!😀😀😀😀

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