Chapter 5

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Bridget's POV
"Fine, stay here then." Crystal rolled her eyes, as Dylan plopped down in a chair. He glanced around the food court,
"Sound's good to me."
"But," She began again.
"It'd be really really sweet of you if you carried our bags." Dylan sighed loudly and threw his head back in irritation,they'd been having the same argument for the last 5 minutes. I was more or less the awkward bystander, except for the times Crystal lashed out at me to get on her side. He leaned back on the legs of his chair, and crossed his arms.
"I'm not your bus boy. You should be thankful I was in a nice enough mood to take you here."
"Let's just go Crystal." I insisted, she was making a scene--honestly. Standing in the middle of the food court blowing up about something so small too. She stepped forward instead, challenging him further.
"We need your muscles--what if some guy tries to lift Bridget's skirt?" She admonished. His gaze remained unchanged, as he shifted from me to Crystal.
"What is this? 4th grade? You have an hour. You best be going, now." Dylan made the sweeping motion with his hands,
"I have a bank to rob." He said in all seriousness. I stared at him in shock, what a terrible joke.
"Dylan..." Crystal whined.
"Oh look," He looks at his wrist as if he had a watch there.
"2 more minutes you've wasted."
"Asshole." She barked, grabbing my arm and dragging me away.
"Should we be worried?" I asked skeptically, once we were a good 10 feet away.
"About what?" Crystal replied bleakly.
"Leaving him alone--didn't you say he was banned from the mall?" I added.
"I said suspended," Crystal said voraciously.
"You're so gullible, you know that? He's not on parole, anymore."
My muscles froze.
"I'm kidding!" She exclaimed laughing, and pulling me towards Hot Topic.

"I think i'll wait outside." I said, after taking a peek into the store. To be completely honest, I was afraid of the people who worked there; I was an all class wimp when it came down to the simplest of things.
"Maybe we should've convinced Dylan to come after all." I mumbled as Crystal mocked me about being a
"scared ass girl with no balls". Crystal shrugged and waltzed in casually, scanning her eyes over the clothes. She quickly ran over to a rack and snatched out a t shirt,
"Hell yes!" Crystal drilled,
"I stashed this a couple weeks ago, I didn't think it'd still be here." She grinned at me, handing me the hanger.
I shook my head, i'd never compare to her in experience. I followed her up to the counter where an guy about our age was checking us out.
Crystal and I talked about the history assignment due on Monday, as the couple of people ahead of us checked out.
"I haven't even started I just--"
"Mah bruddah, what is up, man?" Crystal suddenly squealed highfiving the guy at the counter. The guy smiled. He had brown curly hair. He looked like he'd come straight out of Tumblr from the computer screen into the real world.
"Nothin' much munchkin. How's the kids?" He continued to smile as he grabbed the t-shirt and rung it up with the hand-gun. I looked over at Crystal puzzled. Her eyes were practically glowing at the sight of this guy,
"Not so great. You haven't paid child support this month." She said as Tumblr guy stuffed the shirt into a bag.
Crystal looked over at me, and laughed. "We're kidding, Bridget." I nodded, pretending to look offended she'd think i'd be that dense to think she had a kid.
"Bridget huh?" Tumblr guy leaned on his elbows towards me, with his head propped up on his hands.
"I'm Edward, this must be destiny." Tumblr guy mused grabbing my hand and pressing his lips to my knuckles. Wow, I haven't heard that one before.
Crystal slapped him sharply,
"If you're going to hit on my best friend at least try not to be such a fucking retard about it." Tumblr guy just shrugged then turned to me, sending me another smile.
"Are you sure I don't know you, cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend."
"Oh my god, just shut up already." Crystal leaned the heel of her hands against her forehead. I smiled weakly, trying to not look as embarrassed as I felt. No one's gave me this much attention before--I didn't know how to act.
"I'm Daniel by the way...just thought you should know, since i'll be seeing a lot of you in my dreams." He continued like it was a reflex. I kind of just stood there, awkwardly shuffling like the introverted geek I was. Daniel looked at Crucial quizzically, probably wondering why my response was so abnormal.
"She's afraid of you," She explained through giggles. Daniel seemed even more confident than before, as he turned to me.
"You do look quite delicious..." He mad a big show, of dragging his tongue across his upper lip slowly. I laughed lamely, interrupted by a girl shoving behind me.
"Um excuse me, other people want to check out too." Someone barked from behind me.
"Hey!" Daniel pointed to the girl behind me.
"Calm your tits, can't you see i'm flirting?"
"Let's go, before he says you fell from Heaven." Crystal snickered, pushing me towards the front door. I gratefully speed walked towards the exit. "Bridget!" Daniel called, I glanced over my shoulder.
"I'll show you how I sparkle some other time, huh?" He pointed, gesturing to his exposed collarbone.
"We didn't escape quick enough," Crystal shuddered at the awful come-on and scooted me out of the store.

Hold me [ Dylan Sprayberry Fanfic ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora