Chapter 13

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Bridget's POV
"Listen Bridge, I know you have some kind of feelings for Dylan and he has-" Crystal stammered hysterically, like she was going to burst into tears or scream.
"Wait-What?" I grabbed her arm, and shook her a little, trying to bring her back to reality.
"You said something about Dylan..."
Crystal looked up, her skin turned a dull gray color, her trembling hands shot up to her face and she pulled them through her short hair and then returned them to her face again.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that-Dylan's going to kill me, I am so dead...oh damn." She began shaking her head.
"Crys! What's the matter? You're scaring me." I said just as flustered now.
"Our family it's just fucked up, alright?" Crystal mused, a sick smirk playing on her lips. By 'our' she must've meant her and Dylan.
"Okay..." I narrowed my eyes quizzically, swatting a strand of blonde hair away from my face agitatedly.
"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore or-maybe you never were my friend, but things keep popping up...with Tyler and now Victoria. And now, Dylan...I knew you'd find out sooner or later," Crystal stuttered.
"I was just-I'm just so scared." She admitted, tears welling up in her eyes.
I grabbed her by her shoulders and squeezed as hard as I could,
"Slow down, you're rambling Crys...I'll listen, just please..." I pleaded, I was beginning to become scared, I'd never seen her so shaken before, nothing scared her-nothing made her this anxious. Crystal rubbed the tears away with the heel of her hand, smudging the silver eyeliner she'd taken so long to apply; she took a slow deep breath, and her shoulders eased into a semi-normal position.
"You can't tell Dylan I told you, or anyone...Promise me." She took my hands from my shoulders and squeezed them harder.
"O-Of course, I'd never." I shook my head, and took a deep breath of my own. I swallowed hard, as I readied myself for whatever Crystal was about to say, I was scared; to be let down or disappointed, I knew Dylan and Crystal had been hiding things from me ever since we'd met, like I was a child, too fragile minded to know anything.
"We're really not all of what we're cracked up to be," Crystal admitted icily, sitting down at the end of the driveway, briefly glancing back at the house as the wind began to pick up.
Crystal looked up at me, and I knew she was about to cave by the look in her eyes.

Again, I was too fragile minded to know anything.I pulled my hood over my head and sat down next to her.
"I'm s-sorry Bridge, I just can't tell you. You understand right? No, of course you wouldn't..." She mumbled to herself, then looked at me again, "Dylan, ask him. I bet he'll tell you," She said quickly, pulling at the sleeves of her hipsta t-shirt.
"After all-"Crystal paused to smile sadly at the ground, and nudge a rock with the tip of her converse,
"He adores you."
My heart decided to make a dangerous leap of faith and skip a couple beats, the blood in my veins ran cool-like there was a little man with a snow plow, just chugging along in there. I began to think all of this heart stopping catastrophes might be hazardous to my health. Suddenly, it felt like I was floating on top of one of those drab one dollar colorless balloons-floating up and up and up, until pop-a medley of sunny yellow's and cheery oranges exploded out from underneath all of that grey. I felt ecstatic-for no reason at all. I had to bite my lip to hold back a giddy smile, as Crystal stared at me, waiting I guess. Yeah, maybe I always had sort of a thing for Dylan Sprayberry-I just never knew how far I'd fallen and how long I'd been drifting.

Suddenly reality hit me again,
"Why can't you tell me Crys? I want to hear it from you." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. Crystal shook her head and pursed her lips, for once she looked distressed.
"I just can't." She turned and ran, running faster than I'd ever seen her run before. I wanted to run after Crystal, demand to know what her problem was-or why she looked so guilt-stricken.

I came home to a bright pink sticky note on the counter top and my sister munching on casserole,

Hi Lamb, I'll be working the night shift so I won't be home until late. Casserole is in the fridge, heat in the oven at exactly 350, no more or no less or it'll burn. Remember to turn off the oven when you're done. I hope you enjoyed the dance, Love you.

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