Chapter 10

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Bridget's POV
Once i'd regained a steady heart rate, I'd spotted Dylan glaring at the floor, in deep thought. He seemed troubled; by the way his lean muscly arms were crossed tightly over his black tank top, his usual tanned skin was a shade paler--more of an olive, a frown pursing his pink lips and creasing his forehead, his deep-set blue eyes were probing the white tiles on the floor in a type of irritated bewilderment. He let out a disapproving grunt, causing me to come back to reality.

I'd been staring at him for that long. I swallowed hard, realizing how worried I was about him. Strange, I don't typically find myself worrying...about this kind of thing. Dylan barely gave me a side-glance before shuffling off, he'd been leaning towards me as if he'd come running; but instead, turned, flustered-looking, and walked off.
I couldn't help but think it was my own fault for his sudden distance, maybe he only felt obligated to come last night because I was Crystal's friend.
I glanced back behind me, catching sight of Tyler giving the school a lasting look before shoving his hands in his pockets and roaming off. I sighed, shrugging off that precarious paranoia before scanning the halls for Crystal. I spot her, posted up against the wall looking bad ass in a tight leather jacket and jeans--i was beginning to see the resemblance between her and Dylan. I paste on raised eyebrows, and erase the frown off my face before heading over.
"Hi," I said brightly,
"what's up?" Crystal looked at me, seeming sad or upset.
"Nothing much..." She cleared her throat and smiled a little.
"Tired as hell."
" Why?" I said, following her down the halls.
"Tyler apparently thinks 2 AM is the perfect time to blast his fucking troll music. Like, my ears are literally ringing." She rolled her eyes, raking a hand through her perfectly messy black hair.
"What about you?" Crystal back lashed quickly, snapping her head in my direction. I shook my head,
"It was cool, I guess. The storm kept me up..." I mumbled truthfully, finding myself hiding things from her again.
"Cool, huh?" Her smile was mourn-worthy.
"Oh! Here's your class Bridget. See you at lunch." Crystal stopped abruptly, then made a quick escape without looking at me.

The dance was coming up soon--you'd think she'd be a bit happier. I shrugged it off as a mood swing, and entered my classroom. All of the girls in class turned to me, eyes for slits--ready to pounce, it was the same look my mother got from the ladies at the super market. That was new. I quickly sat down, and unpacked my things.
I couldn't concentrate on the work in front of me; the Spanish terms I'd studied seemed not to make any sense, I kept getting distracted by my thoughts, resulting in a half-assed translated paragraph. Someone behind me, jabbed my rib with a pencil.
I turned around, rubbing my side.
It was Cody Christian, semi-popular with the girls for his baby faced features and blue eyes, he was apart of the baseball team--a pitcher, I think.
"Bridge, right? Can I call you that? I'm Cody." He smiled.
"Sure..." I nodded stiffly.
"Listen um," Cody began tapping his pencil against the desk,
"The dance on Friday...I was wondering if you'd go--" He cleared his throat.
"With me?" Now, that surprised me. Now I'd have an excuse to go--and Crystal would be happy. I kept thinking of Dylan, and his scowl this morning--i should take a chance, right? This would be my first time out with a guy...Was it wrong to go out with someone for these reasons? Damn, I was over thinking.
"So?" Cody tilted his head.
"O-Okay. Sure--sounds like fun." I managed a half smile. His face lit up, causing his freckles to dance over his cheeks in the fluorescence.
"Cool," Cody smiled crookedly,
"I'll pick you up at 7? We could eat before then?" Dinner and a dance? Well Bridget, you've reached a milestone in society. I nodded eagerly, "Yeah." Maybe this wouldn't be too bad. I mean, Cody was cute and he didn't seem like a bad guy.

The bell rung shortly after that, I turned in my crappy assignment, and began my trek to gym. I was anxious to tell Crystal my exciting news, and ready to coordinate outfits with her. I rushed into my gym attire and jogged down to the track, for the weekly run around the football field. Crystal was waiting for me by the starting line, waving me over in between stretching her shoulders.
"Hey, how was Spanish?" She said, crossing her arm over her chest and stretching that one.
"Eventful--Cody Christian asked me to the dance." I told her, trying to sound casual. Crystal and I looked at each other, and she shrieked and jumped up and down.
"No way!" She squealed grabbing my hands, and making me fall into rhythm with her jumping.
"That is so cute--we can double date, and...oh my god, we have to go shopping."
"Yeah and maybe while you're at it, you can hit the track." Coach appeared draping his arms around our shoulders. "Oh, don't forget the pink pumps, they would look so cute on you." He told Crystal, then blew his whistle in our ears, and signaled for us to begin running.
"Ugh," Crystal stuck her tongue out once he'd turned around,
"what a mood killer, right?"
"Yeah." I nodded, and began a slow jog to keep up with Crystal's pace.

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