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Chapter 59

“Is Taehyung worth that much?” Jun asked, slightly shocked.

“He’s worth that much because he’s my wife,” Jungkook said as an icy chill rose in his eyes. “If he were not married to me, Gof Jung wouldn’t bother with any of this.”

Jun was even more confused than before.

“If he wants to give Tae the money, then let him! Isn’t this just him throwing free money at him?”

“He’s my wife!” Jungkook snapped.

“Oh, okay… I get it. What do you plan on doing? Increase our offer? He will definitely go with Gof’s offer if we don’t.”

“Not necessarily.”

“If that’s the case, then why are you so upset?”

Jun could tell from Jungkook’s tone that his emotions were all over the place.

Jungkook wanted to acquire Kim Industries so that Tae could be free of its debt and troubles.

He was still in college, and he lacked the knowledge and experience when it comes to running a company.

It would be better for him to sell the company, pay off the debt, and make some money while he was at it. That way, he and his mother’s lives would be much smoother moving forward.

Jungkook came to this decision after considering every aspect, but he did not appreciate any of his efforts.

If Tae accepted Gof’s investment, he would definitely hold the reins to the running of the company in the end.

“I admire you, Jun. Nobody loves you, and you have nobody to love, so you don’t have to get your heartbroken,” Jungkook teased.

“I got a girlfriend today!” Jun responded enthusiastically. “I met her on a blind date. Our fathers know each other, so it’s pretty much a solid match.”

“That’s good. Let me meet her once things are stable,” Jungkook said.

“Sure!” Jun said, then added, “Anyway, I think you can talk to Taehyung about this whole thing. He actually has a mind of his own.”

“Go see your girlfriend!” Jungkook snapped.

Just the sound of Taehyung’s name gave him a headache.

As if he did not know Taehyung was opinionated.

It was because he was so opinionated that he never listened to anything he had to say.

Meanwhile, Tae was sitting in another cafe and complaining to Dohee on the phone.

“Whether it’s Mr. Z, Jun Hertz, or Gof Jung… I can’t help but think that there’s something fishy about them,” he rambled.

“Jun Hertz came out of nowhere, told you he had no money but came across as a billionaire in front of me. Gof Jung, on the other hand, knows full well that I don’t get along with his sister but insists on investing in my dad’s company. I wouldn’t be so suspicious if people were fighting to get a piece of Kim Industries, but nobody is interested in us at all!”

Dohee took a sip of the iced tea in her hand and said, “Let me deal with Jun Hertz. As for Jung, why don’t you pick up the slack with his sister?”

Tae was taken aback.

He had spoken too quickly and let that slip.

“If you don’t trust Jun Hertz, then don’t work with him! Otherwise, you’d be in a mess if he sells you out in the end. I bet he’s a genius, so you won’t be able to keep up with him,” said Dohee.

It was a good thing that she did not decide to get to the bottom of his earlier question. “I’m sure the company’s management will insist on accepting Trust Capital’s investment,” Tae said. “You’re the boss! Who cares what they think?”

“I’m not technically the boss. I never signed the contract!”

“Now that your vice president is gone, who would go against you? Just make the decision yourself, Tae. Don’t think too much about it… Oh, Jun’s here. I’m hanging up now!”

When Tae returned to the Jeon mansion that evening, there were guests in the house.

“Miss Kim! It’s the weekend, did you go out to hang out with your friends? Have you had dinner? If not, come join us!” Ye-jun said with a grin as he got up from the couch. The sight of Ye-jun made Tae recall Jungkook’s drunken shenanigans the other night. “I’m not hungry… You go ahead! I’ll eat later.”

Taehyung did not want to join them for dinner at all.

Just then, he caught a whiff of the fragrant scent that drifted from the kitchen.

His stomach immediately began to growl.

“Hahaha! Join us, Miss Kim!” Ye-jun said as he led Tae into the living room. “I heard that you found an investor today, but why don’t you look happy about it?”

“Do you know Gof Jung? He’s Joey’s brother,” Tae asked. Since ye-jun seemed to know about Gof’s offer, he decided to ask questions.

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