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Chapter 127

Taehyung violently shook off Mrs. Kim grip on his arm.

He recognized the car as Jungkook's and strode over to it.

When the door to the driver’s side opened up, the bodyguard got out and charged straight at Minji.

Taehyung was afraid that he was about to strike Minji.

He rushed to the bodyguard’s side and held him back.

“Don’t touch her! Her daughter just died. It’s only natural that she’d be emotional.

“Ha… I guess you haven’t been kicked out of the Jeon family yet! You’re pretty good at seducing men, aren’t you?” Minji mocked.

The bodyguard raised his arm in preparation to slap Minji across the face.

Taehyung stopped him once again and said, “Get back in the car. I’ll get in after a word with her.”

The bodyguard shot an intimidating glare at Minji, warning her not to lay a finger on Taehyung.

Minji felt a chill run down her spine, but she had to put up with it.

Now that her daughter was dead, she had to stay alive!

That was the only way she could avenge Sana.

Once the bodyguard returned to the car, Taehyung turned to Minji and said, “Say what you want about the murderer, but don’t you dare bring up my father! You’re the first person he’d go after if he came back from the dead. You gave your brother a position at Dad’s company and embezzled three hundred million dollars in a matter of years… I’ll make sure you pay back every penny you took from him!”

“That was my brother’s work. What does it have to do with me? Did you think that I wanted the Kim family to go bankrupt?!”

Mrs. Kim scowled. “I spent all those years with your father. Do you really think I’d do that to him?!”

• “You say that, and yet you’re using the money your brother stole to live it up abroad. I doubt you’d have ever come back here if it weren’t for Sana's death!”

Minji's face turned scarlet with fury.

“Minhae told me everything!” she yelled. “You took your father’s Super Brain program for yourself! Minhae said that your father spent hundreds of millions of dollars to develop the program. What right do you have to chastise me?!”

“Of course, I have the right,” Taehyung responded. “The things I have were given to me by my father, but you stole from him! You’re all a bunch of thieves! I’ll make sure your brother coughs up every last penny that he took from Dad. I’ll make sure he rots in prison!”

Minji's blood pressure was soaring, but she had no words to fight back.

All she could do in the end was watch Taehyung get in the car and speed off.

The moment he shut the car door, Taehyung quickly composed himself.

He turned to Jungkook and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Jungkook passed him a bottle of water and answered, “I knew Minji was coming. I was afraid she would pick a fight with you.”

“Am I that weak?” Taehyung asked as he took a sip of water.

“You only put up a strong front in front of me,” Jungkook replied blandly.

Taehyung glared at him, then said, “I’m hungry. I don’t have the energy to argue.”

“Should we eat out?” Jungkook suggested. “What do you feel like?”

“Anything’s fine,” Taehyung said, then a thought suddenly popped into his head and he added,” I feel like having my mom’s cooking.”

“Should we go to your mom’s place?”

Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook's legs, then said, “Forget it! The building isn’t wheelchair accessible. It won’t be convenient for you.”

“We could head home and get the walking stick.”

“If we’re going home, we might as well just eat at home. Why bother going to my mom’s?”

“You said you wanted to eat your mom’s cooking.”

“I was just saying that.”

Taehyung did not expect him to take his words that seriously.

Jungkook pulled out his phone and made a call.

Taehyung stared at him and wondered who he was calling.

A moment later, Jen's voice came through his phone. “Hello? Jungkook?”

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