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Chapter 79

“You have the power to reject,” Jungkook said.

“Just eat your food!” Taehyung snapped. “Even if I decide to work with Gof Jung it doesn’t mean that I will fall in love with him. Why do you think that I’ll give in to his advances? Do I seem that easy to you?” Jungkook fell silent. Taehyung returned to his room after dinner, opened Gof's email, and looked through its contents.

A wave of uneasiness washed over him after he finished reading it.

He did not know a thing about running a company, but he understood Jung's proposal very well. If they go in the direction that he suggested, Kim Industries might just be able to come back from the dead.

If it were not for the fact that Gof was Joey's brother, he would have immediately agreed to work with him.

Taehyung shut his laptop and lay down on his bed.

He picked up his phone and saw a text from Dohee.

[I slept with Jun Hertz! Ugh! I think I’m in love with him!

Taehyung did not expect things to turn out the way they did.

However, apart from being a little strange, Jun Hertz was not a bad catch at all.

Taehyung: (Work things out with him if you’re in love. This is your fate!)

Dohee: (He said he wants me to meet someone important tomorrow but won’t tell me who it is. I’m so nervous!)
Taehyung: (Maybe he wants to surprise you.)
Dohee: (A surprise is fine, but I don’t need a fright. Let’s talk about your husband! Do you sleep in the same room?)

Tae's cheeks flushed as he replied: (I’m in the guest bedroom. There’s nothing much to talk about him. Stop asking.)
Dohee: (Is he good looking?)

Taehyung did not want to answer at first, but Jungkook's handsome face popped into his mind and he could not help himself from texting back: [Yes.]

Dohee: [Damn, Taehyung! You sure are lucky! How old is he?]
Taehyung: [He’s up there. He’s pretty much an old man to us.)
Dohee: (Older men have their advantages. They’re gentle, thoughtful, and know how to treat you well.]

Taehyung: (I think you’ve been watching too many romantic dramas.) Dohee: [Didn’t you say he was good looking? That’s all you need! A handsome face can make up for all a man’s shortcomings!]

At breakfast the next day, Taehyung deliberately stared at Jungkook for longer than usual.

The more he glanced at his thick brows, smoldering eyes, chiseled nose, and seductive lips, the more attractive he seemed.

He recalled what Dohee had said the night before, and began to believe that a handsome face might just be able to make up for all of a man’s faults.

Jungkook ignored his blatant observation of him and asked, “Do you have time tonight?”

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat.

Was he asking him out?

“I think so,” Taehyung said as he lowered his gaze and took a bite of toast.

“I’ll get the driver to pick you up in the afternoon.” “Where are we going?”

“You’ll find out when we get there.”

This was a vast improvement from the time Jungkook had taken him to a recital without previously asking him about it.

He was at least giving him a heads up this time.

At 5p.m. that evening, Jun brought Dohee to a high-end restaurant.

“Do you remember that friend I mentioned before?” Jun asked as he held Dohee's hand like he did not want to be apart from her for a second. “The one who suddenly got a wife.”

Dohee thought about it and the memory popped back into her mind.

“Do you mean the one who had a shotgun marriage? The one who got you to help out his wife when he(tae) got in trouble but got mad when he (tae)actually came out to meet you?

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