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Chapter 105

Just was stopped by the Jung's family’s bodyguards on his way to the south side of the villa.

“You can’t go in there, Mr. Jeon.”

“Let me in!” Jungkook roared with a savage fury. “My wife’s inside!”

“Do you mean Miss Kim?” asked the bodyguard, then added, “He just went hiking with Mr. Jung.”

Jungkook pursed his lips as his eyes turned into glacial orbs of ice colder than the abyss.

The bodyguard pointed in the direction of a hill not too far away and said, “They went that way, but it’s already dark out, and it’s a pretty steep walk. If you are unfamiliar with the path, I suggest you wait for them inside. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”

Jungkook clenched his fists, then he stormed up the hill.

In the living room in the south wing of the villa, after listening to Gof's father’s two-hour history lesson on the establishment of his company and his thoughts on Kim Industries, Taehyung was desperate to escape.

“Thank you for taking the time out to talk to me, Mr. Jung. Since it’s your birthday today, I’ll speak to Gof another time about business.”

If Gof's father were not the star of the night, he(tae)probably would not have been able to sit through his rambling for much longer.

God glanced at his watch, then said to his father, “Get some rest, Dad. Tae and I are going to get something to eat.”

As they walked out of the living room, Taehyung noticed the night sky and felt a peculiar surge of gloom rise inside of him.

Perhaps it was because it was his first time there, but he felt uneasy about the vast unfamiliar terrain that surrounded him.

“I have no plans on accepting your investment, Gof,” Taehyung said as he finally mustered the courage to give Gof his answer.

Gof froze in his tracks, and the chivalry vanished from his face as he said, “Why is that? Can you give me a clear reason?”

“It’s because you’re Joey's brother. I cannot keep my peace of mind and accept your invitation,” said Tae bluntly.

“Did Jeon Jungkook say something to you? Are you planning on having him invest in your company instead?”

Gof was not surprised by his answer, but he felt hurt nonetheless.

“I won’t be accepting any investment from him either,” Tae answered with calm eyes and a determined voice. “I have to catch the subway home, so I’m afraid I won’t be staying for dinner.”

He had accepted his invitation simply to give him his answer.

Now that he had cleared things up with him, it was time for him to go.

Gof did not expect him to be so callous about the whole situation.

His way of doing things was shockingly similar to that of Jungkook.

Was that the reason they could not help but be attracted to each other?

Gof grabbed onto Tae's arm, then said, “Have some dinner before you leave. Jungkook is here, so he can take you home after.I’ll worry otherwise.”

Tae withdrew his arm and said, “I called a cab earlier. It should be here any minute now.”

“Stay for dinner!” Gof snapped. “There’s no reason for our relationship to turn sour just because we won’t be working together. I’m not your enemy, Tae!”

Taehyung took a deep breath.

He never planned on being on bad terms with Gof.

It was impossible for them to be friends, but he did not need another enemy in his life.

When Gof escorted Tae back into the banquet hall and sat him down, Joey charged toward them with icy daggers shooting from her eyes.

She stopped in front of Gof, then dragged him by the arm outside.

The sight of the Jung siblings walking away made Tae lose his appetite.

Joey's expression earlier was strangely dark, as if something bad had just happened.

Taehyung glanced restlessly at his surroundings.

Apart from those at his table, the other guests did not seem to have noticed the siblings’ odd behavior.

Gof mentioned that Jungkook was there, but why was he nowhere in sight?

Joey dragged Gof out of the banquet hall, then yelled, “Where’s Jungkook, Charlie? Where the hell is he?!”

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