Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

"What about me?" Taehyung said as he placed the cup of tea on the kitchen counter, then made his way back to the room. "He's never treated me with respect, not even just for a day."

"The two of you are from completely different worlds. It's understandable for him to be a little stand-offish toward you," Jen said. "Forget about his past. Focus on who he is right now and who he will be in the future..."

Taehyung raised his brows, puzzled, and asked, "Why are you speaking up for him? Do you think he could suddenly find some kindness in his heart to let me keep the children?"

Jen fell silent.

"I'm sure he has his reasons for not wanting children," she said after a brief pause. "I think the fact that he's willing to swallow his pride and come here to apologize to you is a sign that he does care for you."

Taehyung covered his ears with his hands and said, "I'm going to bed. My head hurts."

Seeing his adamant refusal, Jen had nothing else to say.

She walked out of the room and planned to go downstairs to talk Jungkook into leaving.

Taehyung let out a long, heavy sigh when his mother left the room...

He had a splitting headache.

It hurt so badly that he could not think.

The mere thought of Jungkook's name and face made it feel like there was an invisible force wrapped around his throat.

Jen returned to the house about twenty minutes later.

She walked into the room and sighed when she saw Taehyung fast asleep.

Jungkook was still downstairs.

He refused to leave no matter what Jen said.

She planned on getting Taehyung to go and talk to him, but she could only let him rest now that he was asleep.

As for Jungkook...

They could only pray that the rain stopped soon.

The rain went on all through the night.

In fact, it got heavier during the later part of the night and eventually turned into a full-blown thunderstorm.

Jen was startled awake by the rain in the middle of the night.

She wanted to check on Jungkook, but she was so afraid of getting the same result that she forced herself to stay in bed.

At six the next morning, Jen threw on a jacket and ran downstairs.

It was an old neighborhood, so a night's heavy rain was all it took for the area to be flooded.

Seeing that Jungkook was nowhere in sight, Jen let out a sigh of relief.

It would be great if he finally decided to go through with the divorce after this.

What she was afraid of was having things go back to the way they were.

At 11 a.m. at the Jeon's Group headquarters, Jun appeared in a hurry at Jungkook's office on the top floor.

"Hey, Jungsu. I couldn't reach Jungkook, so I came to check things out. He got into a huge fight with Taehyung last night. I'm guessing they went at it again after they left."

Jungsu was already slowly getting used to their fights.

"I heard that Taehyung went for a tour of Trust Capital this morning," he said.

"That's exactly why I'm here," Jun said. "He went over there with his management team. I'm almost certain that he won't sell to Jungkook after last night's fiasco."

Jungsu poured a glass of water for Jun, then said after a moment's consideration, "If she really decides to work with Gof, then there's nothing else we can do about it."

"I just think that he's gone too far!" Jun said as he was determined to stay on Jungkook's side." What did Jungkook do wrong? He just told a little white lie out of the kindness of his heart. The only reason he asked me to cover for him was because he was worried that Taehyung would be too proud to accept his help..."

"You're still young, Jun. Mr. Jeon isn't just thinking of acquiring Kim Industries out of kindness. The company isn't as bad as you think it is. It does have some value to it."


"Kim Taehyung is a bottom guy, after all, so he would be more emotional. The reason he's upset isn't the money, but because he felt like his feelings were betrayed."

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