Chapter 6-The Bet

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Chapter 6

I woke up by the sunlight that's escaping from the curtain of an unfamiliar room.

I stroll my eyes in the room and I find nothing familiar. I quickly get up from the bed only find that I'm wearing a white v-neck shirt and a boxer short. Shannaro!

What have I done?

"I see you're awake." Now that's familiar.

"S-Sasuke-sama?" My heartbeat is rumbling so fast that I can't breathe. Again. Well, why not?! He is standing by the door topless with just a jogging pants and an apron! I'm gonna puke rainbow! Shannaro!

"No other. And please close your mouth" He says while looking at me darkly while smirking. I didn't realize that my jaw dropped! This is so embarrassing!

I just bow my head down because of embarrassment. How and why am I even here? Oh, my F! Did we...

"No. You passed out last night. So wasted to the point dancing crazily with an effin stranger." His face now looks even darker. "I had to bring you here. The others were so drunk to ask where you live." Of course. And I totally forgot Temari and the three minions! I'm dead. So dead.

"Where are my clothes? Did y-you change my...?" If yes, did you peek?

"Your clothes got puke all over. Yes, I did change your clothes. And no, I didn't peek. Nothing to see anyway." Can I punch him, please?!

But it's a good thing that he didn't peek (really?) gentleman, eh?

He let out a sigh.

"Don't ever do that again." Why does he sound like pleading?

"S-sorry. I won't get drunk again." I say.

"And don't dance with anybody. Don't let anyone touch you." He says and turns his back before I could say my reply.

"Breakfast is ready. Come out here." He then closes the bedroom door.

"What in the world is going on?" I need to quit this before I could do something stupid.


I walk towards the bar counter in his kitchen. He points out a chair telling me to sit down.

He places the foods in the counter table. Waffle with whip cream, banana and Nutella. My favorite breaky!

"Coffee?" He asks while gently pushing a cup of coffee to me.

"Sure." I don't really like to drink coffee unless the coffee is personalized by me. But because this creature made it, I have no other choice.

I take a sip and whoa! My kind of coffee! The only kind of coffee I ever want to drink. Mocha latte with Raspberry syrup. I look at him and give him a wide smile for him to know that I like the coffee.

"You liked it huh?" He gives me a smirk like he's actually expecting me to like it.

"Well yeah. And in fact, this is the only coffee I ever like to drink."

"I know." He said something only he can hear.


"Wanna do something while waiting for your clothes? Watch a movie?"


"So, what kind of movie you wanna watch?" He the handed me a DVDs

"Hope you got The Bet Movie: Just the way you are. It was from Wattpad by Ilurvbooks." I say while scanning the DVDs. (Trailer at the top)

"I know I got it."

"Here!" I exclaim. (Let's just pretend that the DVD is already out.)

I didn't expect this creature would have this kind of movie. I feel grateful that I got this chance of knowing him.

I see that behind his intimidating, cold, rude and jerk-ish attitude is a sweet and caring guy. Oh, Kami-sama please don't let me do something I might regret in the future.

The movie starts to play and both of us watch intently. I can't hide my emotions. I don't get embarrass about it. Well, he too smiles a bit! Which is actually cute. Gaaaah! What am I thinking! Sakura, just focus on the movie! Oh gosh! Drake is so hot! I just hate that he's playing with Sophia! He's gonna have to taste his own medicine!

The movie has finish and none of us utter a word.

He's the one who break the silence.

"Wow. I don't really watch that kind of movie but it was actually good."

"Hm? Why do you have that movie?" I ask curiously.

"Not sure. But I think someone that I used to know would love that movie maybe that's why I bought it." Oh. Someone, huh?

"I see. Good thing that you liked it as well."

"It was because of you. Your face was priceless. I'm glad that I bought it." He laughs.

His laugh is actually that one that is priceless. What? I shook my head out of that thought. I can't. I can't and I won't let myself die again.

I'm gonna need to find a new job. A job without Karin and Sasuke in it. But how?


"Uhm... You can decrease all the trouble I've done to my salary. I'm so sorry."

"I can't do that." He's back in being serious.

"But I want to repay you. I've caused you a lot of trouble and I've been a burden to you so..."

"You're not a burden to me ever... But if you really want to repay me, well, you don't always repay with money so maybe...

A kiss would do."


Late update.

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