Chapter 10-Mom

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A/N: I'd like the settings to be somewhere at VA but then I remember 21 is the legal age to drink and most of the characters are 19-20 years old. So yeah. And oh! This was supposed to be yesterday's double update but since it was my Papa's first death year anniversary yesterday, I wasn't able to do the 2nd update.

Chapter 10

It's BBQ party night. Of course since it's a party, we have some special drinks if you know what I mean.

We've been having a party for a while and Naruto and Kiba are already drunk. They're singing in the Karaoke like crazy.

Neji and Tenten are currently in lovey dovey mode while Ino, Hinata, The Creature and I are having some personal chit chats.

"So, Shay did you ever had any boyfriend before Sasuke-san?" Of course that's Ino and they still don't know about my real name. I'm hiding too much from them and I feel really bad about it.

"I had one before? But that guy ruined me." That's what they told me. I can't remember all at really. Something happened to me before that made me forget some memories.

I look at them and they all got quiet even NejiTen stopped doing their thing and looked at me down heartedly. The creature is looking hurt for some reason I don't know.

"B-but at least you got Sasuke-san now." Hinata says looking hopeful.


"How about you, Sasuke-san?" That's Ino again.

I don't want to look so curious but I really am curious so I wait for his answer making sure that I don't look nosy at all.

"I had. She's gone now. My fault." He says nonchalantly.

I don't know but I felt sad after he said those words. I have no idea that he suffered or maybe still suffering because of his loss. And he shouldn't blame himself.

No one dares to speak after that. But then...

"Let's drink more, guys! Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed crazily. Gosh! He's so drunk!

"Yeah. Right! Let's drink more! For the love of Sasuke-san and Shay-chan!" Ino lift up her glass and we made our toast. Yeah for the love that we fakely have.

Time pass and I feel like I drink too much again. I didn't notice earlier until I stood up and felt so dizzy.

I felt someone touch my waist and hold protectively. I knew who it was. The creature.

"Do you want to go home now?" He asks.

"Can I?" I ask. I feel so sleepy right now.

"We can of course." He whispers.

We said goodnight after that. When we got in his a car, I lean my head at the side.

"Hey put your seatbelt on." The creature says but I'm too sleepy to do so.

"Hmmm." I don't know what came out from my mouth but I'm stating "Let it be. I'm too sleepy right now."

"Tsk." I feel his irritation with that so I tried to open my eyes a bit but it was a wrong move. His face is so close to mine I can feel the heat in my face good thing I can feel my head getting heavy so I close my eyes to sleep again but before I get to the dreamland I felt that my seatbelt is already on.

I feel the sunlight in face so I slowly open my eyes. I just stare in ceiling for about ten minutes before I get into my senses. I look around. Not my room again. Then I remember, I'm not living with the trio anymore. But what shocks me more is the creature who is sleeping in freefall position topless!! Just topless, right?! With his muscles flexing even when he's asleep.

I am so shocked that fall from the bed. Ouch! My butt hurts so bad!

I see him stir. Oh my! What should I do?! He's awake! I'm panicking so I try to find somewhere I could hide but before I could do so.. "What are you doing?" Damn that bedroom voice!!

"I'm.... Hugging the floor because it needs some love?" This is so embarrassing! Is there any other day that I won't feel embarrassed because of this creature?!

I stand up slowly only to realize that I'm wearing his shirt! And oh! I have nothing underneath except my cute minions panty! Okay, Sakura! Calm down!

"Did you... D-did you change my clothes?" I asks.

"Uhuh." Let me punch his gorgeous face please! His bedroom voice is killing me!

"D-did you remove my...?"


"What?! How dare you?!" How could this creature act like it's nothing?!

"What?" He snatches my arm which makes me fall back into the bed. He rolls up and pins me down and leans closer to my face. "You're my wife now. I have every right to see those—"

"Omo! Sasuke!" A voice was heard before he was able to finish his statement.

We both look where that voice came from. And I can see a middle aged woman with long black hair and onyx eyes. She also have a fair skin, pointed nose and pinkish lips.

"Why are you here, Mom?" Oh good lord! His Mom! And we're still in the same position!

I push the creature a bit so we could stand up and greet her properly. I feel shy that she has to see us that way.

"S-sorry. Good morning, Ma'am." I bow like 90 degrees at her.

She smiles sweetly but I feel scared.

"Good morning. And who's this beautiful young lady here, Sasuke?" She looks at Sasuke waiting for an answer.

The creature sighs.

"Mom, this is my wife, Sakura." He said while looking at his mom then he gaze back at  me with a smirk.

"H-hello. I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you Ma'am." I got no other choice but to say that and give an awkward smile.

"It's nice to meet you, dear. I finally have a daughter-in-law!! Oh and please call me Mom!" She then hug me like there's no tomorrow so as a sweet lovely DIL, I hug her back. Good thing his mom isn't so much of a terror.

What the heck have I done with my life?!

Didn't proofread.

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