The Start?

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Scar is in the kitchen making dinner, when suddenly Cuteguy swoops through the window, landing beside him.

"Hi Scar!" Cuteguy said, spooking Scar.

After Scar regained his composure, he responded with "Hi Grian! :D"

Scar looked at Cuteguy up and down before saying, "Take it off." Scar went back to cooking but then looked back at Cuteguy when he spoke again.

"What?!" Cuteguy asked, concerned.

"Your outfit, take it off" Scar clarified.

Cuteguy started blushing as he looked at Scar then to the ground. Scar noticed this behaviour and realised what he had said.

"Wait, no! Not like that! I just meant that dinner was almost ready and you should get into something more comfortable!" Scar started rambling. Cuteguy laughed as he walked into the bedroom to change his clothes. Scar didn't even notice that Cuteguy left so he was still rambling because he turned to the food.

A few minutes later Grian came out of the bedroom in fluffy red and black pyjamas. He then sat at the table, looking at Scar with a smile on his face, knowing that he didn't know Grian ever left the room.

Scar picked up the food and went to put it on the table, still talking to himself, but when he looked up he saw Grian at the table in his pj's. "How long have I been talking to myself?" He asked Grian.

"Like 3-5 minutes now," Grian responded with a slight chuckle.

Scar gave an embarrassed laugh before looking at the floor, setting down the food, and sitting in the chair across from Grian's.

After a few moments of awkward silence Grian says, "Let's eat!" with a slight tilt of his head and a playful expression. They both reach in for food at the same time and Scar's hand lightly grazes Grian's. They both pause for a moment before quickly pulling away, rubbing their hand while they both laughed uncomfortably. Scar gestured to Grian as if saying "you go first", so he did.

After Grian had food on his plate, Scar started to get his food. While Scar was scooping food onto his plate, he looked up and noticed that Grian was watching him, waiting for him to get his food before he started eating.

"You can eat without me, y'know?" Scar asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know!" Grian replied with a smile, "But I won't. I'll wait. For you, I'd never stop waiting."

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