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Hotguy walked into Doc and Cub's base with a tall man slung over his shoulder. Doc stared at him before asking, "This is the second time today, what now?"

"We found this dude and ummm... we were wondering if we could borrow either yours or Cub's office?" Grian said with puppy dog eyes. Doc sighed as he called out to Cub to tell him that he's gonna have to give up his office.

"Nuh uh!" Cub yelled back.

"Wha- what do you mean 'nuh uh'!?" Doc snarled as he angrily walked into the room Cub was in.


Etho woke up in a room scattered with unfinished inventions ranging from weapons to elaborate technology. There was a desk with a large computer monitor to his right and to his left... well to his left there was only a blank wall with a small hole that was half covered by a crooked painting that read 'Live, Laugh, Love".

Etho heard a click of the door and looked at it to see the two superheroes he was spying on walk into the room. They seemed to be thanking someone but he couldn't quite catch the whole conversation.

The taller hero, who calls himself Hotguy, 'What an odd name' Etho thought to himself, walked through the door and started speaking to him, "This is an interrogation. Mind if we ask a few questions?"

"I do mind, actually. But carry on," The spy retorted, rolling his eyes and snickering under his breath.

The two heroes looked at each other before rolling their eyes and looking back at Etho. Cuteguy was the one to start talking and he asked in confirmation, "So, you're a spy, right?"

The wolf eared man nodded with a shrug before saying, "As long as I get paid I am."

The hero in pink scoffed before asking his next question, "Who hired you then?"

"Gotta be the person who paid me," Etho responded in a half serious half joking tone.

"And who, exactly, was this person?" Cuteguy asked, annoyed with his previous response.

"The person who gave me money...?" The spy responded like it was common sense, it was but... he still wanted to make the hero a little bit more aggravated.

Cuteguy was getting frustrated now, but he decided to continue with the interrogation and asked, "Do you know WHY they hired you?"

"I mean, well... It was probably a person who needed information, OR, information who needed a person- wait," Etho responded before realising what he said and laughing. After he regained his composure he looked up to see a uhh, not a very friendly looking hero.

"Was this person male or female," The upset hero asked, taking a pause between almost every word.

Without skipping a beat, the mysterious man questioned, "Are you saying there's only two genders? That sounds kinda homophobic if you ask me!"

"Uggggh! You're impossible!" Cuteguy turned and groaned as he held his head in his hands.

Etho snickered before responding with, "Kimpossible?" and then hummed the tune.

Hotguys eyes widened. "YOU WATCH KIMPOSSIBLE!?" He excitedly asked.

"Yeah dude! That's one of the biggest reasons I wanted to be a spy!" Etho responded, trying to match his energy.

The hero and the spy started ranting to each other about their favourite childhood tv shows. The aggravated little avian then cut them off by yelling, "SC- I mean, HOTGUY! STOP FRATERNISING WITH THE PERSON WE'RE INTERROGATING!"

Scar glared at Grian because of the slip up but decided to ignore it and instead responded apologetically, "Sorry... I got excited."

"Whatever," Grian said before grabbing both Etho and Hotguy's wrist before walking out the door, "Let's see if we can get any more information on this guy."

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