An Eventful Morning

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 The thunder kept getting louder and more frequent, which made it really hard for Grian to get any amount of sleep. Every time he drifted off he would get awoken only a few seconds later. With every passing moment Grian started to tear up, he couldn't take it anymore, he ran out of his room, through the hallway, and stopped at Scar's bedroom door. Grian hesitantly knocked on the door, not wanting to wake Scar but still wanting to see him. After only the first knock the door opened, Scar looked as if he hadn't even gone to bed yet.

"Are you okay Grian?" Scar asked with a concerned expression, "I know you don't like the thunder, I've been so worried!"

Grian couldn't help but smile before saying, "Yeah, I'm fine." But then he whispered "Now that I'm with you..."

"What was that last part?" Scar asked.

"Oh! Nothing!" Grian replied, embarrassed that he said that outloud.

Scar shrugged it off and invited Grian in. When they both got into bed Scar waited and watched Grian until he fell asleep, then Scar turned around and drifted off to sleep himself.

When Scar woke up in the morning he saw that Grian was still asleep. Grian looked as if he was having a nightmare, so Scar sheepishly moved closer and wrapped his arm around Grian, hoping to give him some sort of comfort.

A few hours later Grian woke up to find himself VERY close to Scar (almost too close to be platonic), Grian slowly lifted Scar's arm and stepped out of bed. The floorboards creaked and Scar woke up to find Grian quickly slither out the door. Scar lay back down to go back to sleep for "just a couple more minutes".

-1 hour later-

When Scar woke up again the smell of pancakes filled the house. Scar hopped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen to find Grian making his signature, homemade, blueberry pancakes. Jellie was nestled up to his leg and when she saw Scar she ran to him, which then caused Grian to turn his head and look at Scar with a caring smile.

"Good morning, sleepyhead! Did you get a good rest?" Grian asked teasingly.

Scar giggled as he picked up Jellie before responding, "Yeah! And you? Did you sleep even though there was thunder?"

Grian thought about waking up with Scars arm around him, he looked down and smiled. He quickly shook away the thought and looked back up to respond to Scar, "Mhm. I slept fine." Grian paused then took a breath, "Now!" He looked to Scar then leaned down to Jellie, "You two, should eat!"

Grian placed down two plates of pancakes at the table, opened a can of cat food, then took off his apron before sitting down at the table. Scar set down Jellie to go eat her breakfast as he ate his.

After breakfast Scar and Grian both went into their rooms to change into their superhero outfits. Once they both came out, Cuteguy grabbed Hotguys hand with a mischievous smirk and said, "Let's go save some lives!"

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