Chapter 1: The End of the Beginning

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The light of the window shone through the window. The sound of the birds were heard throughout the room. The smell of eggs and toast cooking went throughout the home. Yet she remained sleep.

The thing that woke her up was her cat Ayana planting her butt directly on her face. She purred excitedly because she looked forward to her owner waking her up. Maria opened her eyes and sighed

"Ayana what are you doing on my face." she blurted.

Her eyes suddenly flew opened when she realized that it was 6:30 a.m. and she had not even brushed her teeth. She practically flew off the bed into her master bathroom. Before she entered the bathroom her feet touched the smooth, and slightly cold and quite shaggy carpet.

She immediately grabbed her toothbrush and dumped a whole load of toothpaste on there. She forgot that she had braces and there was no need for so much toothpaste because it burned her mouth to have such strong toothpaste in her mouth for such a long time. It didn't matter she finished up her bathroom routine and headed out the door not even saying farewell to her mother and father.

Her little brother ran up to her and gave her a heart that he had drawn that day. She hugged and kissed him on the forehead and quickly ran out the door.

As she boarded the school bus she did not quite look forward to being done with school so quickly. She did not want to come home and deal with her own self. The self she did not even recognize anymore. A few months ago everything seemed so certain, so clear. Now her life was in somewhat turmoil and she was not even sure how to put the pieces back together.

As her mind began to wonder and wonder. She realized her best friend Sam had just came and said something to her. She looked at him with astonishment when she begun to realize he was asking her to this party he was having that Saturday. She immediately said "Yes" before she even had the time to say no.

"Sam will it be like the other one." She said with her face looking desperate for an answer immediately.

"No, I promise. I know that you are going through stuff that's why I just want it to be with me, you and some friends."

"Oh... well I would love to come I'll bring something fun for us to entertain ourselves."

She began to think of how great of a friend he was. As she began to think the bus suddenly came to a stop.

Since it was raining today she made special care to wear her sketchers rain boots. As she stepped out of the bus she stepped into a huge muddy patch of mud and she thanked god even more that she had wore her rain boots. The rainy, dreary day was metaphorically the same way she felt inside. She wanted to put on a brave, nice face for Sam and for her other friends.

She did not want he or the rest of her friends dealing with her emotions today. They had been having to deal with them for the past few months and she wanted to give them a break. She walked into the school with her chest held high with Sam by her side. She looked at him and smiled and said, "What are you going to do the last day of school since it's only a week away."

"Well, he sighed, I'm going to call you and tell you to get prepared to have the biggest sleepover ever."

She began to laugh... "No silly, I meant "you" what are "you" going to do.

"Well... I will just relax and be happy.. and don't undermine me if I think about doing fun stuff with you more than I do just sitting at home playing baseball with my little brother."

After school was out she met up with Sam like they always do. Her day would not be complete if she didn't do it. She ran up to the bus as soon as it pulled up in front of Brushshire High. As she entered the bus she saw Sam sitting and playing Angry birds on his phone. She did not understand what was so amazing about that game.

She walked up to him and was happy there was a seat available next to him. She plopped down and her long brunette wavy hair went next to Sam. He immediately looked up and said, "Oh there you are."

She smiled, "Yes... here I am."

As the bus pulled into her gated community she began to take off the "I'm so happy" face and went into her normal self. She was not depressed inside, but she was somewhat sad. She had tried to deal with her life this whole year and was surprised she had made it past the hardest parts. It was god that helped her but also it was her best friend Sam.

She looked toward Sam and said, "This is where we get off." She sometimes had to alert him because his mind would be so deep into angry birds he did not even notice when the bus stopped in front of his house, and her house as well. Since they lived across from each other.

She got off of the bus and began walking. He asked her where they were going. She replied, "I think I want to see if these dreams are really a reality."

He put away his phone and turned his face toward her. His green eyes went stared deeply at her. He replied, "Well... whatever you do you know I will be here with you every step of the way Maria."

She looked at him and notice his features as he spoke. His hair was a dark red and his skin was pale white. He had soft features. He had olive green eyes and freckles that she adored since the first time they met years ago.

She always joked that he had an aristocrat nose and face and should have been on a duke that lived in an estate somewhere in England.

She replied, "I know Sam that is why we are best friends. Always have been, always will be."

She immediately felt warm on the inside and was so happy to have an amazing friend like him. She began to think about the dreams she's been having for the past few months. She knew that it was probably not a good idea to follow what her dreams told her. But there was a part of her that wanted to discover if these dreams were true. She quickly turned to Sam because she realized that she had just made up her mind in the brink of time.

In the Brink of Time #Wattys2015Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora