Chapter 7: Following His Call

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She woke up late in the night because she couldn't sleep. She stared out her huge window and looked at Sam's house across the street. His light was off. He was sleep. He was probably dreaming about cars or something. She on the other hand had dreamed about him.. like always. She had almost forgotten the time when she used to dream about simple stuff such as school or friends.

She thought about what he said where was it? Her and Sam had went into the Shailhaven woods to only find nothing. So where was it? Her heart begun to tell her to go into the woods. "Just go." Her heart said. She just kept trying to control herself. She was thinking irrationally. She can't go into the woods by herself. Then her heart told her that "he would protect you just go." She had made up her mind that quickly. 

She walked out of her room only in her muslin sheer nightgown. She walked down her dimly lit hallway and smelled the incense her mom had burned that night like she did most nights. She walked down her plush stairs and ran her hand across the auburn staircase. She tried to be as quiet as possible. As she walked and the floor creaked.

She tried to walk quieter, the door was so close. She reached her hand on the cold door knob and opened the huge brown door. She slipped through the door and her feet hit the the front porch. She looked down at the "Welcome" sign and she began to think rationally for the first time that night. Is this really a good idea. Her heart begun to tell her "Just go. Don't think about it just go."

He walked throughout his big empty mansion. They were gone right now. They had to get the last things ready before they depart. He felt so alone inside. Why did it have to be like this. Why couldn't they just stay? He did not want to be left in this world at such a tender age. 

He couldn't think about that anymore. He knew what he had to do. He had to let her find him. He walked down is long auburn stairs. They creaked as he walked down them. He walked out of his house and looked back at it. It was so huge, it looked like some sort of castle during the medieval times. He sat there and breathed in a huge fresh of breath air.

His body begun to glow. He begun to connect with her. It was time to do it. He told her to come.

She begun walking away from her house. The chilly air was going over her skin and she was shivering. She could not mentally grasp why she was doing this. What was it? Was he pulling her to him? She could not think anymore. She just followed what her heart told her.

As she walked further and further away from her house. She begun to feel extreme fear in her heart. This was bad. When she told herself that her heart begun to tell her. "No it's not a bad idea, just go."

So she listened and she began walked and it seemed like forever until she came up to the sign that said "Welcome to Brushshire" She knew she was leaving her gated community. She missed her warm home and her comfortable bed. Then she thought about peace. The peace of not having these dreams anymore.

The peace of being a normal 16 year old and living a normal teenage life. She wanted that, which is why she kept going. She slipped out of her gated community and kept walking. She felt the leaves under her feet crackle as she walked. She felt the cold rushing through her long, brunette, hair. She wrapped her arms around herself to keep herself warm. It was rather cold outside that night.

As she walked she saw this small trail where there had been a path made. It looked somewhat as if it was a man made path. She begun to wonder who would make this out here in the desolate woods where only animals lived. Or did something else live here other than an animal. Her heart told her to walk down this desolate trail, so she did.

As his body begun to glow he felt this surge of pain in his chest. He knew he had finally connected with her. He fell to the ground in agony holding his chest. His breaths were slow but steady. He did not understand why this had to be so painful.

He finally understood what his parents went through. He looked up at the sky and prayed. He prayed for relief, as he did so the pain subsided. He continued to attempt what he was doing. He could feel in his heart she was listening to him. He felt that she was following the path in the woods. The path that she must follow to be near him.

As she walked down the trail the scenery begun to change. The trees went from being somewhat short and light green, to a heavy dark green. They were very tall and smelled of wet wood. She felt like she was entering the Amazon forest. She begun to think, how could the scenery change so drastically?

As she thought her feet begun to step in thick, wet, sticky, mud. She wished she could have wore her rain boots. Her sneakers begun to be submerged in the thick grimy mud. She exclaimed "Eww! What is this?"

She wanted to just run back home and hug her mother and beg her mother to tell her everything would be okay, and to never attempt this again. As she thought to do this her heart begun to hurt like never before. It was as if she was being pulled to this mysterious place. She begun to cry out in tears.

She felt so stupid to have come out here all alone without any protection. She wished she could have called Sam. He would have protected her or talked her out of this whole dumb idea. As she begun to panic she suddenly felt peace in her heart.

She begun to calm down and felt as if everything would be okay. She continued to walk after a few minutes of rest. She walked for what seemed like forever until she hit this huge gravel road. She looked down and her heart suddenly sunk. She realized she was at the place she had dreamed about for months.

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