Chapter 6: Dreaming of Him

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Her mother woke her up with a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Sweety it's lunch time. Your dad just came in are you ready to eat lunch." Maria smelled the food cooking in the kitchen. She got up from the couch and felt the soft red plush carpet under her feet. She walked into the kitchen and saw her mother stirring in the vegetable stir fry on their 6 eye black stove.

Her dad was sitting on their kitchen table and he looked up at her and smile, "Hello sweety, I brought you something." He picked up this nice bottle of perfume that was Eeste Lauder. Maria's eyes widened and she ran over to him and hugged him and said, "Thanks Daddy, I've wanted this perfume forever!" He smiled and said, "You're welcome."

She plopped down on her seat at the dinner table. Her family ate a delicious lunch. Soon afterward she went upstairs to her room. She began to think about what she would wear at the Annual Fair. She looked through her master closet and saw so many different types of clothes. She had endless of possibilities of clothes to choose from.

Her eyes scanned over the dress she wore when her and Sam went out that Saturday awhile ago. She rubbed it and noticed its yellow sparkly embroidery. She rubbed her hands down the sheer sleeves of the dress. Then over the yellow color. She smiled and realized she would wear this one again. Sam loved when she wore this dress that day.

She picked it up and hung it over this decorative chair that sat in the corner of her room. She walked away from the dress then scanned it, then scanned her room. She looked at the design of her room and smiled. She really did have it all, her parents were rich. She had a master bedroom that sat across from her best friend. It had a terrific design within it. Most of all she had the bedroom most teenagers only could have in their dreams.

The type of dreams she rarely had... she began to sigh and tried to stay happy. Despite the fact she had dreams that scared her most of the time. She knew she had to be thankful of all the other great things she had. Like her best friend Sam. 

She went over to her bed and picked up her phone. She saw the text from Sam. "What are you up to?" She replied, "Well I'm just sitting in my room, thinking about what I'm going to wear for the Annual Fair" She waited for a reply. She heard the texting app sound for notifications for text messages. She looked at her phone and read the text, "Oh! it's already here. Wow times flies. I remember it just like yesterday when me and you and our familes went."

Maria replied, "Yes it do, sometimes I wish it wouldn't because we are getting older and I cant think of us dying...especially you." He replied " and you are the same age why are you talking about me dying first lol."

She giggled on the text. She talked to him for awhile then decided to go read her novel. The rest of the day was sort of calm. She was lucky that her parents did not fight that day. It was strage that they did not.

She was ready to go to bed when night came. She went up to her room and turned on the light. Her room was quiet and calm. She slipped into her pink, sheer pajamas and pulled back her velvet covers on her big queen size bed. She laid in bed and thought about her parents. She wondered...If only it could all be changed. She had wished this so much of her life she did not know what it was like to feel differently.

She began to doze and she saw him. He was faded as usual. He came to her an told her he could help her but she would have to find the mansion. She would have to but how can you find something that is so difficult to find. He told her to go back into the woods.

P.S sorry for such a short chapter I ended it on the best part possible.

In the Brink of Time #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now