Chapter 11: Trocox

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Maria and her family got done with breakfast. Her parents went their separate ways and did separate things like usual. Her mother was sewing this apron that said, "The best cook ever" on it. That was quite true but her mother didn't have to brag so much about it Maria thought. Her father went to fix their riding lawn mower that seemed to cut the grass way to high.

Sam and Maria decided to go to their favorite local coffee shop named Canera. The name of the shop reminded her of the popular bread shop that most people know about named Panera. They sold coffee and bread there. It was also a popular restaurant.

So many memories with Sam and Maria happened there. She got ready and grabbed her favorite purple and black Louis Vuitton and ran through her vestibule and out her large double front door. Sam walked behind her while he was talking he told her he would drive this time.

Since she hadn't got her drivers license yet he didn't like her "practicing" how to drive when he was in the car. So he simply told her one day while she was in the car that "He would drive for her until she got her drivers license." She complied like she usually did. 

He loved her so much that he always protected her. Sometimes he over protected her. They walked out to their 2 car garage and walked up to Maria's mother's red Lexus RX 350. Before they got in Maria's mother came running down the driveway and said, "Sam make sure you do not wreck my car. It takes an arm and a leg to fix that beauty." 

Maria looked up at her mom while swooping her long brunette hair out of her face and said, "I'll make sure Sam don't do anything dumb Mommy, you can count on it." Fatimah smiled and came and hugged Maria and said, "I know sweety, you are very responsible... most of the time." She said with a grin.

Maria looked up at her mom and smiled, "I hope I can be." She got into her mothers car and put on her seat belt after Sam reminded her to. He walked around to the driver side and got in. "Well it's just me and you Maria." He looked at her and smiled. 

She looked up at him and said, "Yes, just me and you." He begun to drive out of their gated community. He turned toward her and said, "You are quite quiet today Maria, are you okay?" She looked at him and shook her head. "I'm fine, I'm just a little dazed today."

She thought to herself that be probably noticed something wasn't right. She wished she could just hug him and cry and explain everything to him. She wish he could tell her everything would be okay. But she couldn't speak about it, she had promised to herself that she would put it all behind.

If she wanted to explain to him everything. She most likely would have told that strange guy to stay. She would have told him to help her. Make the dreams stop, make her normal. But she didn't choose that choice. She chose to beg him to leave.

So many parts of her wish she didn't, but her mind told her she made the right choice. Her heart on the other hand was still with him, she needed him. She turned toward Sam and let out a sigh and said, "I'm going to talk to you more. I don't want this to be an awkward outing for me and you. Our outings are usually never awkward." He replied with a smile, "Even if you were silent the whole time Maria you still make me content and happy." He reached over and held her hand and looked in her eyes and smiled.

She looked at him and winked and batted her eyes and said, "Oh you always make me feel so special Sam." They continued on driving toward Canera. She looked forward toward the interstate still smiling. Sam was grinning while he was driving. About 20 minutes later Sam and Maria arrived at Canera. Maria walked in and smelled the coffee in Canera. She walked over to one of the sitting booths and asked the red haired waitress for coffee and cream filled bread.

As she ordered this Sam looked at her in confusion. Sam looked at her and said, "Maria you shouldn't be drinking coffee, you have braces." She looked down and said, Sam I can break the rules sometimes." She said as she looked at him and winked." He replied with a grin and said. "Okay."

She looked at him dumbfounded and said, "No coercing me or looking into my soul and telling me no." He turned toward her and said, "I love you Maria but I don't want to hold you back. I can sometimes power over you and there is a part of me that love that but I don't want to hurt you." She smiled and and said, "Sam, you care about me way to much, she leaned over and hugged him and said while laying on his shoulder, "I love you too."

The waitress brought her coffee and cream filled bread and she purposely began to sip the coffee in front of Sam. "Sam nugged her and said, don't tempt me Maria I just might begun to control you more." He said with laughter and a smirk. Maria burst out laughing and began to blush. She looked forward and kept smiling.

As she sat there and sipped her coffee this mysterious guy came and sat next to her. He asked for dark beauty which is a strong, dark, coffee without any cream and barely sugar. The menu at Canera called that type of coffee "dark beauty". 

She turned and looked at him. He looked at her in the eyes and said "Hi." She felt almost breathless. She felt like she had seen him before, or knew him. She replied with some shock "Hello." Sam turned toward him and said "Hello, nice to meet you." She looked down and said, "So how is that dark beauty." He looked up at her with his dark brown eyes and said in a low voice. "It's quite well. Would you like some." She was about to say, "Yes I'll order me some." but Sam butted in a said, "Yeah she got braces so that might not be a good idea."

Maria turned around and said "Sam I know how to speak to people." He looked at her and said "I know, I just wanted to remind you." She replied, "I am the one with the metal in my mouth, I cannot exactly "forget" that they're there."

He looked at her with slight anger and said, "Well then, I'll leave you to to talk." Maria said "Thank you." Sam got up and walked and looked out the huge window in front of Canera and saw the cars passing on the interstate since Canera sat right near it. He begun to feel angry but tried to control himself.

Maria turned to this mysterious man and said, "Sorry my best friend Sam can be controlling sometimes." He smiled and said, "It's okay, sometimes best friends can be like that. They really just try to make the best for you I guess." She looked at him with agreement and said "Y-yes."

They went silent for a minute then the man broke the silence and said. "So do you like coming her often." Maria looked at him and said, "Yes I do. This is my favorite place to come. I love to come here and just sit and relax and drink coffee. I used to love it even more before I had braces." He replied "Yes because your..." She interrupted. "Yes because I don't want them to get stained, hence the reason Sam freaked out and tried to stop me from ordering dark beauty."

"Sometimes I wonder how could he be more worried about braces than I am, but I remember who I'm dealing with." She said with a smile. The man begun to think how much this young women talked, although his heart was overjoyed listening to her speak. He felt like he could listen for hours. His thoughts were interrupted with Maria saying. "So yeah that's enough about my mouth. Why exactly do you like coming here?" She said to him while sipping her coffee. 

Well because it helps clear my head... He said with a chuckle, I guess when you're in your last year of high school you need a place that helps clear your head."

She looked at him with understatement in her face and especially her eyes and said, "Yeah I can understand that I'm going into 10 grade this year and I'm already kind of stressed out just by the thought of another year of high school."

He looked at her and smiled and said, "How old are you?" She replied, "16"He then looked at her and said, "Hmm only 2 years younger than me. Interesting." He said with a grin. Maria said, "My name is Maria and yours is?" She said as she sipped more of her coffee and thought about how much she is teasing Sam as he still stands at the front window of Canera brooding. He looked at her and said "That is a beautiful name. My name is Trocox."

In the Brink of Time #Wattys2015Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя