Chapter 12: Annual Fair

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He finished breakfast rather quickly. He was ready to go to Canera. Canera helped him clear his head and had  been the place he loved going to ever since he was 16. That was one of the places he could afford to go to so his father always allowed him to go. 

He helped his mother Apsymy cleaned up his auburn kitchen table. 

She said, "Thank you Trocox, you are always so helpful." She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled at her and said "You're welcome Mom."

He walked out of his dining room and heard his hardwood floor creak as he walked. He thought to himself, "Wow I live in an old home." He went over to his tall vestibule and began to put on his sneakers. He realized how old they were and wished he could just have a new pair of shoes. These were the same pair of shoes his father bought him over 1 and a half years ago when his feet stopped growing.

He remembered the event like yesterday. He had went to this local shoe shop carrying the 50 dollars his father gave him. As he walked to the large local shoe shop that had a large shoe chain to it, which was named LuvShoes, he begun to think about the fact he will have to look at all the customers buying expensive shoes and he will have to buy the cheapest shoes they sold. As he walked into the shop he immediately went to the aisle that sold the lowest priced shoes.

Before he went to that aisle he walked past the woman aisle that sold the most expensive shoes. His eyes immediately caught the eye of her. Her long brunette hair was swooped over her face. She was giggling to her female friend that seemed to be kind of slow acting. Her friend was telling her she should buy the Gucci pumps that were at the top aisle in front of them. 

He overheard her saying, "Maybe." He realized who she was. That was the first time he had ever met her. He had been trying to connect with her since last year. Although that was the first time he had ever seen her so close. He had been watching her afar for months before then. She was as beautiful as always. He stood there staring at her and watched her look through all the expensive shoes and wished he had her wealth.

The day they were brought together he would get her and everything that came with it. Not that, that is the reason he wants to live a life with her. He wanted to go up to her and strike up a conversation, but he remembered the reason he came here. His father was concerned about him and wanted him to get a pair of shoes. Since the ones he had were about 1 and a half years old already.

Since he was of a different species his feet grew slower than humans but they were larger than humans. Him as a whole were larger than most males. He could have been a basketball player but his father wanted him to pursue his career...the family career. 

His mind begun to come back to present times and as he begun to put on his sneakers his father came up to him. He put his hands on his son shoulder and it was as if he almost read his sons mind. 

He said, "I know how hard it is for you to deal with not living the life of all the kids you go to school with. I know you have to go every day life seeing most of those kids that go to Brushire high living the life you wished you could live. You have to see them with expensive clothes and expensive things. But please be patient son. I wish I could give you all of that. But there is one thing I can give you and that is my legacy, which is what you have to follow."

His son looked at him with understatement and sadness. He looked down and said, "Dad...I know. I understand. I love you Dad. You are always so kind and sweet towards me. And for you legacy I will continue it I must."

Pueehn looked at his son and smiled and hugged him and said, "Good son., he sighed and said, "Well have you seen her here recently." Trocox looked at him and replied rather quickly. "No, I'm not sure when I'll see her again. I haven't seen her since I went to the shoe store about a year ago. You never know I might see her today."

His father looked at him and chuckled and said, "Well son, you never know." He finished getting ready and walked out the door and got into his fathers Honda civic. Once again he wished he had something of his own like other young men already have. He wished he had a car, he was way pass the time of going to learn how to drive.

He sighed and tried not to think of any more of it. He looked down and put the key in the ignition and as he did so he saw this huge grey figure run past his car. He looked up and and his heart dropped. His claws immediately came out and begun to dig into the car. His face begun to turn dark brown and his eyes turned completely black. 

He begun to growl like a vicious grizzly bear. They were here, and there was not much time left. He begun to stop growling and started to slowly turn normal. He looked up and realized he would rather just leave before he rip down the whole woods in a fight with him or one of his "buddys". He begun to start the car again and sped out of the woods not looking back.

He did not know why they were here but he needed to get away and fast. His father would know what to do his father always seemed to get through to them better than he ever could. He began to get on the interstate and was happy he would be away from all of the problems in his life. His father would be happy he is going to get his head cleared at his favorite place.

It took him awhile to get to Canera, but once he got there he was happy. He sat down at his favorite booth right near the big window near the entrance of Canera. He sniffed in the smells which mostly consisted of coffee. He heard the chatter of the people at the restaurant and smiled. He enjoyed being around people sometimes.

Although mostly he enjoyed staying to himself and writing poetry. He loved poetry a whole lot. He considered himself an introvert. As he begun to think he realized she was a few seats down and was talking to "him." He thought to himself that he wanted to get closer. So he walked casually over and sat down quietly in the chair next to her.

She looked up at him with her light brown eyes after hearing his reply and said, "Hi." almost as if she was breathless. After that they talked for a while for what seemed like forever to Trocox. He ended it by telling her he had to get home and help his mom with some chores. 

She replied, "Oh, I totally understand I would do the same except I have a maid." She burst out in a loud laughter that made Sam turn around. Trocox looked at her and smiled and began to think. She had the life he wished for years to have, and she's laughing about it? He wanted to just swoop her up and look into her eyes and explain to her that it is not a joke to be poor. Nor is it nonchalant to be rich.

He begun to wonder why he even got a little irritated over it all. I mean it was pretty funny compared to the fact he had to slave in the kitchen to keep it clean. He looked down and said, "Well it was nice meeting you Maria. I hope to see you again."

Maria looked up at him and as she smiled her eyes sparkled and said, "It was nice to meet you to." She reached out in a manner to shake his hand and he did. She felt the strength and masculinity behind his handshake. As she stood up completely off her stool at the booth she looked up at him and realized how tall he was. 

She said with a quirky tone, "Whew do you ever stop getting up!" He replied with laughter and said, "I think at 6'9 I'm done "getting up." Her eyes flew open in amazement and said, "You're 6'9?! Wow. You are so tall." 

He looked down and rubbed his hands through his jet black wavy hair and said, "Yeah, I know I'm tall." He looked at her with his dark brown eyes as he did so her heart did a complete somersault. She wasn't sure what she was filling inside. She just knew every time he looked at her she felt amazing. 

Maria rushed out of Canera with Sam when she realized it was about 5:00 and she had been there for about an hour or two talking to Trocox. She did not realize she actually could talk to someone for hours besides Sam. It made her have higher self esteem because of two reasons.

She realized someone wanted to listen to her besides Sam. The other reason was that she actually could think of something to talk about for two hours with someone other than Sam. 

Sam was flying home so fast in her mother's red Lexus. Her hair was blowing back as he was driving since he let the sunroof down. She felt in her heart that he was driving a little fast. She watched as the numbers on the speedometer went higher and higher.

She realized he was moving way to fast. The number on the speedometer was at 130 miles by now. She began to yell and said, "Slow down Sam you're moving to fast." As she said this the car broke through the rails on the interstate and flew off into the woods.

In the Brink of Time #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora