Chapter 15: Hugny Aisia

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Her arms fell out of the stretcher, blood was dripping from them. The paramedic put it back onto the stretcher and begun wheeling her into the trauma room. She had completely blacked out the whole way to the hospital. She was not sure how she got to the hospital but she knew she was in safe   hands now.

She rested her heart and immediately begun to panic once again as she thought about Sam...her best of friends. Where was he? Was he alive, was he dead?

She looked up at the paramedic that had stopped to press the elevator to bring her up to the trauma room. She looked next to the tall dark haired paramedic that was standing next to her on her right looking up and trying to be calm. Despite the fact there was a girl with huge gashes in her chest and dark dried blood was running from her mouth to her ear right next to him.

She looked at him and said, "Where is Sam?", 

He looked at her and asked her, "Sweety who is Sam?"

Maria looked frustrated and then immediately realized that was not the same paramedic that talked to her when she was at her worst. She was so out of it she could barely tell the difference in anyone's face. Not that she is much better now. 

As soon as she was thinking this the paramedic, that was there with her during the worst of this whole ordeal, rushed into through the trauma doors as the elevator was about to close and stopped it.

She thought it was completely faith itself because she was just thinking about him and wishing he  could be there to tell her what she wanted to hear. Which was news about Sam, her best of friends. As she had been thinking this, he came into the elevator and said, "Oh there you are Maria...I've been looking everywhere for you, he said with a smile.

"How are you sweety, are you in pain? He sort of stopped himself to realize how dumb of a question that was since she shards of glass was sticking out her legs and her entire body was in complete disarray.

She looked at him dumbfounded (even though she was in all the pain she was in) when she realized he was still actually thinking about her.

Most first responder's completely forget about the patient once they bring them and into the hospital, their job is done as soon as they've delivered the ill and injured, she thought. She knew this by watching a show about first responders late and night while texting Sam. So for him to stay behind and search fr her he must have really genuinely cared.

She begun to think and realize that during that time her life was sort of okay. It wasn't in the turmoil as it was now. To most people her life was almost "perfect". 

She had her best of friends whom she loved beyond comprehension. She had amazing parents that doted upon her and made sure she lived the best life possible in the popular, rich remote gated community named the Brushire community that resided near the Brushire Woods. 

She had everything an average teenage girl would only have in her dreams. Rich items such as Louie Vuitton purses, expensive dresses and jewelry and so much more. She was extremely popular and her high school Brushire High. And most of all she had a sweet little brother that followed her everywhere with their cute little cat named Ayana. 

She really had it all she thought as she laid there possibly dying on the hospital table. Although there was one long lasting thing...before she could think about it she came back to present times and realized even more the situation she was in.

Her heart begun to feel sad as she thought about the fact that Sam could be on his last breath right now...or possibly dead. She missed her mothers warm hugs and her nagging sweet little brother that always seemed to make her smile. She missed her best of friends Sam. She missed her tall lean father that always seem to make her happy even though she was moody at him sometimes. 

In the Brink of Time #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora