10: Experience against Learning

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"Come now, Chongyun." Xingqiu sighs while watching the other eat a popsicle.

"Alright, I'll come with you to the library." He says and stands up from his table in the cafeteria.

"Hm, I wonder what we are going to do. We are experienced in combat and such. Thank Mr. Aizawa for teaching his students combat and focuses on the work." Chongyun wonders aloud in his native language.

As they stride in the hallway of the prestigious academy. They couldn't help but hear the conversation of other students. Talking about trials of fighting, cooperation and such. Something Xingqiu and the others have.

"Talk about this school. It is just filled with teenagers who has not faced true life threatening experience." Xingqiu comments as he closes the book he was reading while walking.

"Quite the statement you say." Chongyun hums and sucks his popsicle from the warm sun upon his skin.


Many would momentarily glance at Leonic's group. They were somehow fascinated at knowing they were the Special Grade Section. All that they don't know about because they were taught by all the free teachers in UA due to their experience in fighting and cooperation.

Most wanted questions, wondering as to why her group is assigned in the ONLY Special Grade Section. What was in them that made them different from any others?

A blonde in UA uniform walks over to their table, a condescending look in his eyes. "So... This is the Special Grade Section,.. They look quite ordinary." He says, immediately getting Leonic, Xiao and Lyney's attention.

"And what is that, mister?" Lyney smoothly asks, not wanting any casualties.

A girl with orange hair and ponytail immediately interrupted the conversation, not wanting any conflicts to happen.

"Stop it, Monoma." She says, pulling him away from the others whole she gave a polite yet apologetic smile.

Xiao sighs, crossing his arms and looks around. "We're already gathering attention." He says.

"Hm, that is true." Leonic shrugs her shoulder with a sigh. Another obstacle in the path of going back to Teyvat.

Venti laughs and adjusts the Cecilia on his hair, making sure its stays neat. "Has Nahida found a way home?" He asks.

"Currently, no." Paimon says from Leonic's hidden walk talkie.

"Ah, Paimon. It is great to hear your voice." Venti chuckles and sighs, looking up at the ceiling.

"Us getting brought here at the same time with the Traveler must be a disorder in the Ley Lines." The bard theorizes with a thinking look.

Paimon on the otherside who is with Nahida, Zhongli and Lisa in a library hears Venti's theory. And so, the little fairy answers.

"That's true. Ley Line disorder is a common phenomenon. It can even take centuries before to be fixed. Me and the Traveler have met many places with that issue." She exclaims, remembering Tsurumi Island of Inazuma Nation.

"If I'm right, Isn't that place cursed?" Nahida hums with interest and uses her powers to access through the world's system. From first history to present.

"Yes, it was cursed." Leonic says and puts her chopsticks down.

"The history of the Island has been forgotten as most Inazumans know that it's last human civilization has been wiped out by the Thunder Bird." Leonic explains with a sigh.

But she couldn't help but certainly wonder. Why was there a mural connected to the Heavenly Principles. Tsurumi Island is a secluded and isolated place, far from others. It is a mystery to her as to how the Heavenly Principles has unique connections.

Zhongli hums, seemingly a thought popping in his head. He could remember a Celestial Nail in the Chasm, bringing in strange phenomenas. The Chasm was once had a hidden underground water system that had its own ecosystem. But when the nail landed, it wiped every existing lives there and thus, creating the current known mining place as The Chasm.

"Traveler, in the Chasm. I believe you too, has seen the Celestial Nail there and it's the source as to why the Liyue Qixing sealed the Chasm." Zhongli says in an unknown tone. It was either a tone of remembrance or contemplation.

"Me and Paimon did see one. It's similar to the one in Dragonspine." Leonic says, remembering the things she did in the Chasm to unlock a certain door.

"And we also saw this marks, similar to the color of the abyss." Paimon hums and remembers the translation. "It also includes the Anemo Archon."

When Paimon said this, Venti on the other side scrunches his face into a thoughtful look. Marks that is turned into a certain poem... Or a letter to be more precise.

"I wrote it so we can remember what it means." Leonic said and pulls it out from her pocket to show it Venti.

Venti nods and reads through it, humming to himself. "Let's try to use our phone. It may give us some answers." He says, typing words in it.

Xiao stops him with a sigh. "We shouldn't right now. We are in the school perimeter. Once we are back in the apartment, we can."

Only a few moments of silence passed in the table when Yoimiya exclaimed to them in Inazuman.

"I received words from Ayaka that there is a villain out there who steals quirks after her brother went through files." She exclaims with enthusiasm, already having an idea on what she is going to make to hide their Visions better.

The accessories that they are using to hide their Vision is going to be stolen away so it can only help for a while before someone steals their accessories.

"Really?" Noelle asks and holds onto her necklace which is a Vision.

"I'll try to make a similar to thing to Traveler. She can use elements without the need of a vision and I'll try to do just that. It'll take me some time." Yoimiya exclaims and draws the design.

"But, aren't Visions undestructible?" Leonic asks, remembering that Keqing once told her that she tried destroying her own visions.

"This villain steals quirks, not destroy them. Once he realizes we're quirkless and uses a physical manifestation of our ambitions. He will strip that away." Freminet says quietly with a timid look and hides his vision in Pers.

Kazuha sighs, remembering the trauma of the Vision Hunt Decree. Vision. A physical manifestation of ambition given by the Deities of their world. To be forcibly stripped away of it is painful and agonizing.

"Freminet here is right. We all have heard about Inazuma's Vision Hunt Decree. Our visions may be not possible to be destroyed but it still can be stripped away." Kazuha says with a sigh. 

"Nahida, can you give us a suggest as to how to hide our visions?" Venti asks the young archon.

"Hm... I can try, it will take some time." Nahida answers with a smile.

Lyney, noticing the time, claps his hands. "We should hurry up at eating so we can go back to our classroom." He says and packs up some dessert for his sister.

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