Chapter 14

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Huh?- oh- shit!-" Toya said quickly getting up and taking them off being careful to not rip the skin underneath. Kiego huffed the one thing he was trying to avoid was happening. "Shit what the hell-" Toya said wincing . "What's wrong?..." kiego said looking up at him "I - I can actually feel it-" Toya said very frustrated . Kiegos eyes widen "well- I- mm- maybe we could get you some numbing cream?" Dabi winces as he began to bleed "I should go to the hospital- like- asap-" kiego sighs and he wobbly gets up wincing and he gets dressed. Dabi helped him as much as he could not caring about how much blood he was loosing or his skin pulling away from his body.

Soon they get to the hospital and dabi ended up having to go into minor surgery. Kiego was waiting in the lobby nervously. Soon he saw miriko walk in with someone, "probably shigaraki, but why?" He thought to himself.

Miriko checked in for her appointment to get an ultrasound of her baby, she saw kiego and waved happily . Kiego waved back but not too happily. "Hey dude are you ok?" She sits next to him "yeah fine- it's dabi I'm worried about-" she nods and rudderless kiegos hair "he's gonna be ok dude-" he sighs "why are you here?" She smiles, shigaraki sits next to her. "I'm pregnant!" She said quietly. His eyes widen "no way-" she nods "yes way!" He smiles "I'm so happy for you!! That's great!!" She nods her foot tapping fast on the ground her small bunny tail wagging and her ears straight up.

Shigaraki couldn't help but be in love. He loved everything about her and seeing her this happy made him overjoyed. He smiles softly while looking at her.

Four hours passed and a doctor comes out "is a kiego takami here?" Kiego gets up "yeah that's me- is he ok?-" the doctor nods and leads him back to his room, kiego sits next to his bed. "We will have to keep him in here because his skin is so sensative-" the doctor said before leaving the room. "Oh Toya...I'm so so sorrrryyyy" he started to cry. He felt terrible for hurting him, he never wanted too, he was tierd and sore and upset. "Hey hey my angel- " Toya holds his face gently , he didn't have bandaids on his hands and he wiped his tears "I'm ok my love- it's gonna be ok-" they had put him on a lot of pain killers "shh- please don't cry- don't waste your pretty tears when it's not your fault-" kiego sniffels "pretty?" Toya nods "everything about you is stunning..."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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