Questions (Part 4)

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"So, favorite game?" Mike asked.

Robin and Kid Flash looked at each other and said "COD!!"

Aqualad said "Twister."

"Really?" asked Emma.

"Yes, I prefer board games. Although I do play Snake quiet often." Aqualad replied.

"Don't really play games, but I'd choose... Mario Kart." Artemis said.

Miss Martian squealed "ME TOOOOO!!!!" 

"I don't really play games." Zantanna said.

"Girl, please, multiple games a day, but I can't choose one. I like a lot." Rocket said.   

"OurWorld." Red Arrow whispered. 

"What's OurWorld?" Superboy asked.

"Nothing! It's just an... online game." Red Arrow said.

'I don't think you're girly. That game IS pretty fun!' Miss Martian said telepathically to Red. 

'Get OUT of my HEAD!" Red Arrow yelled. 

'Just ask nicely!' Miss Martian frowned, but started smiling again.

"Let us in on some embarrassing moment with mentors!" Emma smiled.

"One day Batman got his cape stuck in the car of the Batmobile and didn't notice. He ended up walking, and then fell on his behind. He just looks back like 'What?' and then noticed his cape." Robin said.

"Really?!" Red Arrow starts laughing.

"He was really tired." Robin said.

"OH! ME NEXT!!!" Kid Flash vibrated in his seat.

"Okay! Sheesh!" they all agreed. 

"Okay, so Flash was fighting this monster that spit out sticky stuff, so he was all like, 'Nah I got it.' So I held back, but what happened was that Flash was running around and didn't see a puddle of the sticky stuff, so he ended up running into it and his boots came off." KF said.

"So?" asked Superboy.

"His socks had Green Lantern symbols on it. Not only that, but I had to come and  get his boots for him. Running at high speeds with no shoes hurts." KF said.

"Really? Green Lantern socks?" Robin was laughing.

"One time My King and I were swimming in Atlantis when a school of fish decided to swim between us. When the fish cleared, my King had one in his mouth!" Aqualad chuckled. 

Robin was laughing so hard this time, that he fell out of his chair.

"My gosh Robin!" Kid Flash tried to help Robin up, but ended up laughing on the ground too.

"Guys stop it!" Artemis tried to stop laughing.

It took a few minuets for everyone to calm down, but soon they did.

"So anyone else have funny mentor stories?" 

The teens shook their heads.

"So, are your mentors your parents? Is that okay to ask?" Mike asked.

"I don't see why it wouldn't  be okay..." Aqualad said.

"No, my King is not my father." Aqualad started off.

"No, I'm his niece." Artemis said.

"Nah, the Flash is my uncle." KF said.

"Martian ManHunter is my uncle." Miss M said.

"Zatara is my father." Zantanna said.

"Icon is my father." Rocket said.

"I'm Superman's clone." Superboy said.

"No, Green Arrow isn't." Red Arrow said.

"No, Batman isn't my biological father." Robin said.

"Really?" Miss Martian asked.

"Yeah, why?" Robin asked.

"Well...we all thought he was." Artemis said.

"Well...he is, but he isn't." Robin tried to clear up.

"What does that mean?" Rocket was thoroughly confused now. 

Miss Martian gasped.

"You said he wasn't your biological parent. But you also said he is your parent. Are you adopted or something?" Megan asked.

"Look, I don't want to talk about it!" Robin frowned and looked away.

"HEY! Don't yell at Megan! She did nothing wrong!" Artemis slipped up.

"Don't talk to Robin like that Blonde!" Kid Flash yelled at Artemis.

"Stay out of this Kid Fat!" Artemis yelled at Kid Flash.

"Don't yell at him like that!" Robin glared at her.

"Maybe this wouldn't have started had you not been so secretive!" Artemis accused Robin.

"Oh yeah? Well maybe you should tell the Team about your family and secret identity!" Robin growled. "I maybe I should!" 

"You wouldn't!" Artemis gasped.

"Watch me!" Robin said venomously with an evil smile.

"You can't! It goes against the superhero code!" Artemis said.

"'You can't tell unless you're being tortured and can't hold it any longer.' I'm feeling quite tortured and attacked by you. Artemis." Robin smirked.

"No. Robin stop. What you're doing now is UNACCEPTABLE. I'm disappointed in you." Aqualad said. 

"She's the one doing wrong! She's asking about my identity!" Robin said harshly.

"Yes that's wrong. But what you're doing is unacceptable. You are not allowed to share an identity that isn't yours." Aqualad said.

"This isn't like you Robin, what's gotten into you?" Red Arrow asked.

"She has! I told you I didn't want to talk about it and she keeps pushing!" Robin said.

"I'm sorry. It's just you don't tell us much. I guess I kinda forgot that you didn't want to tell." Artemis apologized.

"I'm sorry for acting the way I did. It's been a long day." Robin looked down ashamed.

"Friends?" Artemis held out her hand.

Robin smirked and shook her hand, "Friends." 

A/N: Wow. That took a while to write. Sorry about leaving this fanfiction unattended. Thank you for staying with it though! :) 

There will be more...not sure when though.

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