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Richard put the movie in and sat down  on the couch next to Aqualad.

He held a pillow close and curled up around it, knowing that this was going to hurt.

But if it made his team happy, then he'd sit there and watch with them.

If it made them happy, he'd go through the pain.


Robin winced as the part was coming up.

He took several deep breaths.  

'It's okay.' In.

'It'll be fine.' Out.

'Everything's fine.' In.

Robin opened his eyes at the wrong moment.

Mufasa was falling!

The night his parents died flashed right in front of him.

The nuts were off the top, leaving the rope insecure. 

He was about to get on the trapeze. 

Most days he wished he was on it, that way, he'd be with his parents.

But he wasn't.

No matter how much he wanted to change the past, he couldn't.

He recognized that, but that never stopped the hurting. The wanting.

And gosh, did he want his parents.

But they were dead. 


Megan gasped as a sudden rush of emotions came over her.

She never means to invade anyone's privacy, but strong emotions are easy to hear. To feel.

And this strong emotion was coming from Robin.

Sudden flashes of people on a trapeze, and then.

Oh gosh!


Superboy felt Megan stiffen.

That's when it happened.

Superboy got a flash of two people on a trapeze, a snap, and a boy.

The boy was wearing...Robin's costume? 

But it didn't have the cape or gloves or boots.

Superboy was confused. But he felt feelings that weren't his.

Who were the two people on the trapeze?


Kid Flash tensed as images flashed before his mind.

He knew about Robin's parents and his identity, but he never saw this before.






Artemis quietly gasped as she saw two people fall.

Then a little boy.

Richard Grayson!


Zantanna was pretty new to the mind link, so she didn't know a lot about it.

She especially didn't know that she could be assaulted by images at any given time that she was in Megan's telepathic range. 

So, it came as a surprise when she saw pictures flash in front of her.

And finally a little boy in a suit like Robin's. 


Rocket has only been in on the mind link once.

Unknowingly though, once was enough.

She was bombarded with images and great feelings.



Roy knew they shouldn't have watched the damn movie!

He should have said something! 

Anything to stop them from watching the movie!

Now, images flashing in his head.

Everyone would know who Robin was now!


Aqualad gasped lightly as he saw two people fall to their deaths, leaving a little boy behind.

Feelings of pain, a deep sadness, and shock overcame him.


Was she having a flashback, a memory?

Or was she projecting someone else's memories?


Mike and Emma looked around at the Team in confusion.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" Emma asked, waving her hand in front of Artemis.

When she got no response from anyone, she paused the movie and looked at the camera.

"Something is going on. I'm not sure what, but they've all stopped. And some of them have even stopped breathing for a few seconds." Emma informed everyone watching.

Suddenly, Miss Martian fell to the ground.

The Team suddenly started gasping, tears coming down a couple of their faces.

"I'm-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! loud!" Megan curled into herself.

Most of the Team looked at Robin.

"I-It's fine, Megan. You didn't mean to. It-it just happened." Robin said, clearly still in shock.

Everyone was quiet a few moments.

"Megan?" Emma asked.

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