"Camping" Part 1

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"Did anyone say anything to your mentors about this?" Emma asked.

Everyone was silent. 

"You didn't say something to any mentors?" Mike asked.

"Kidnapping normally means you take someone and leave." Megan said.

"Eh...debatable. Mostly, people either ransom me or try to make Batman insane by kidnapping me." Robin shrugged.

"And speaking of Batman, he's not going to know where you are!" Kid Flash yelled.

Robin was quiet before his eyes went wide.

"Megan, turn this ship around! Batman has to be told before we leave for more than an hour!" Robin yelled, getting panicky.  

"Why does it matter, he's not your keeper." Artemis said.

Everyone looked at her.

"Dude, Batman has to keep tabs on Robin at all times. I wouldn't be surprised if Batman planted a tracker on him." Wally said.

"He did." Robin said while pulling up his holo-computer, "Multiple."

"That's weird." Robin muttered under his breath.

"What's weird?" Superboy asked, looking at Robin.

"I can't get a signal. Try to contact the League from the Bioship, Miss M." Robin said, turning off his computer.

Megan pulled up the League's number real fast.

"Nothing. No signal." Megan said, looking worried.

"Turn around." Aqualad said, having a bad feeling in his gut.

Suddenly, the Bioship was hit!

A few screams were sounded from around the Bioship as everyone hit the councils in front of them.

"Hold on!" Megan yelled while trying to take control of the Bioship.

She couldn't though, they were spinning too out of control!

"Brace for impact!" Megan yelled.

Everyone got ready.

The Bioship hit the ground below.


"What's going on with the kids?" Flash asked as he got into the Watch Tower. 

"Batman gave them a mission, but I don't remember him mentioning giving a mission to the kids." Green Arrow said.

"Because I didn't." Batman growled from behind them.

"If you're not there...who is that then?" Wonder Woman asked.

They watched as Batman turned into Miss Martian. 

"I thought I told her to stop that." Black Canary had narrowed eyes.

"What are they doing?" Batman asked, growling through his teeth. 

"Camping trip!" Megan smiled.

"See, Batsy? Nothing to worry about." Flash smiled.

Suddenly, the occupants of the Bioship were thrown inside of it.

Barry spoke too soon.

"Where are they?" Batman asked, pulling up a screen, trying to track the Bioship.

"There's a jammer. We can't track them." Wonder Woman said.

"Dang it!" Batman slammed his hands on the desk.

"Ouch!" Kid Flash groaned as he got up.

The adults' attention were back onto the TV. 


"Ouch!" Kid Flash groaned as he got up. 

"Well, we survived the crashing part." Robin said.

"What did that? How did it do that?" Rocket asked. 

"In all honesty, I don't think I want to know that." Zantanna said.

"Well, we're going to find out anyways." Miss Martian put her hand up to open the doors. 

The Team got into defensive stances. 

The doors fell down. 


"What are they doing? They need to fix the Bioship and leave!" Wonder Woman said, staring intensely at the screen.

"No, best to eliminate the threat so they can leave with no difficulties." Batman said with a scowl.

Obviously, he didn't want them fighting, but what other choice did they have if they wanted to leave?


Superboy and Aqualad were the first ones out, ready to power through whatever was thrown at them.

Next, Red Arrow and Artemis came out, shooting their arrows in sensitive spots.

Zantanna and Rocket came out doing what they could.

Robin and Kid Flash came out taking down whomever they could.

Mike and Emma came out, filming everyone. 

That was, until someone grabbed Emma.

Robin, about to yell orders to Emma on how to get away, stopped.

Emma pushed her elbow into the goon's diaphragm before punching him in the face and then finishing him off with a roundhouse kick.

"That's 7 years of military training, you fool!" Emma yelled, trying not to cuss on her job.

Aqualad finished the last goon, "What did we learn?"

"Emma is a secret bad-ass? Mike! Do you have hidden training?" Kid Flash smirked.

Everyone laughed.

Until they heard a shot rang out.

Artemis fell to the ground. 

Hey, not feeling too good tonight. :\  

Tell me what you think of this chapter!


*7/16/17- Edited some spelling errors!

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