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"So, how do-" Emma was cut off by the intercom.

"Team, report to the mission room." Batman said.

"Sorry Emma, best not to keep Batsy waiting." Kid Flash said.

"Batsy?" Mike's eyebrow raised.

"Nickname given by Robin...or was it Joker? Anyways, it just stuck." KF said.

"It was Joker." Robin said as he passed by.

KF shrugged and then ran into the mission room.

Soon, everyone was gathered there.

"Team, you have a mission. This is Doctor Light. He's trying to create a gun that uses energy, but it uses too much energy. He's sucking up all the energy from the town." Batman brought up a picture and map.

"Why can't we go after someone more challenging and cooler. Someone like...Deathstroke!" Kid Flash said.

Robin hit him on the back of the head, "Are you SERIOUS?! He'll kill you!" 

"HEY! At least he's better than Doctor Light." Kid Flash frowned.

"Dude! He'll KILL you!" Robin said.

Kid Flash thought for a minute, "I still want Deathstroke."

"Really?!" Artemis yelled, frustrated.

"Yes! Think how cool it would be! We, fighting Deathstroke, a well-known ASSASSIN!" Kid Flash smirked.

"He's a mercenary." Robin said.

"Eh! It'd still be cool!" Kid Flash shrugged.

"Do you have a death wish?" Artemis asked.

"Nope! Just a wish for something cooler than Dr. Light." Kid Flash said.

"ANYWAYS! You're leaving. Now." Batman said.

"Emma and Mike, you can go, but you will follow EVERY order Aqualad gives you." Batman glared.

Batman looked at Robin.

Robin nodded.

Batman left.

"What was that?" Emma asked.

"Bat-talk. He says don't get yourselves killed." Robin said.

Kid Flash snorted, "It's just Doctor Light."

"Yes, it's Doctor Light, but who knows what he's up to." Robin said.

"He's making a gun that uses energy. Go in, knock him out, disable gun, and done!" Kid Flash said.

"You make it sound simple." Superboy said.

"Hey Robin! You can hack stuff! Can't you, like, hack the Justice League's computer and find where Deathstroke is?" Kid Flash smirked.

"We're not fighting Deathstroke." Robin said as they all got buckled into the Bio-ship.


"No." Robin said with a frown.

"Why nooooooot?" KF whined some more.

"Because he's above your level." Robin said.

"Is not! We've fought Joker, the Brain, Poison Ivy, and a lot of other crazies! How bad is Deathstroke?" KF snorted.

"How about a 'I can defeat Batman in several minutes on a bad day' kind of level?" Robin suggested.

"No way! Deathstroke is not that good." KF said.

"He's probably one of the top three villains the League has fought." Robin said.

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