17. Dopplegänger

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Alice's POV
"His dopplegänger?" I was beyond shocked. Stefan has a dopplegänger.
Silas smiled. "Yes. I need you. Where is Elena Gilbert?"
"Mystic Falls," I said.
Silas nodded. "What house?"
"Its a white house. Dude, I'm not a stalker. I'm just a normal vampire girl."
Silas tisked. "I will find her. Until then, you will remain here."
Silas left and I used all of my strength to snap the chains I was chained to. I snuck out of the room. Surprisingly, I made it outside. I ran down the road. Thats when I spotted Elijah's car. I waved him over. He pulled over and got out. He wrapped me in his loving arms.
"It was Silas. Stefan's dopplegänger."
Elijah thought about it and he agreed that it made sense. I got in his car and saw Lexi, Katerina,and Rebekah. I smiled and hugged them. Elijah sped off. Back to our hotel. Once there, I fell asleep in the car and Elijah carried me into the room and onto the bed. I slept for 26 hours straight. A new record.

Elijah's POV
I was more than elated when I seen Alice beside the road. I was prepared for the worst. We know know of Stefan's dopplegänger. Silas. He seems dangerous. He's now considered a threat. For everyone. And that is a problem that needs to end. Soon...

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