Lions Among Wolves

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Tomorrow is a special day.

This morning as I wake out of bed hair tossed around, all I can think about is what is going to happen when tomorrow emerges. 

My bathroom chamber filled with the steam. I looked at my sparkling smooth skin glowing as brown as my big eyes. I pursed  my dry plush lips, admiring my reflection in the water. I am beautiful. Perfect.

"Princess  Ali! You have to be quick this morning or your Mother will have both ur hides! Do go to all your classes prior to galavanting with your beau."

"Oh really, Anika? I'll have your hide yet." The water I kicked splashed against her purple robes. 

Anika was my favorite. Her orange-red hair and fair skin told a dark tale, one that seemed to move with her as she left me to once again purse my lips alone as I scrub away my fear of tomorrow.

 I loved my perfectly curly hair it swept past my chest in long locs it took me a while for it to grow this long but for as long as I breathed air I would never cut it. That's what's expected of the next eligible princess of Khalifa. The next great Lioness. I would be given a grand ball where all the eligible kings will send gifts and my mother shall choose my king.

My smile seed to have faded from my knowledge as of late. "Push the thought away." I practiced my mantra finishing my morning duties in silence stopping only to change and run downstairs.

"Ahh, shut up!" De'Jean groaned he was definitely hung over again. His towering upper body was tight as he eased in a stress position guarding the hall. The morning was still new and many were just find their ways about.

"Hey its not my fault you don't know when to say when. You reek of elderberry.  Besides patrol is in thirty better sober up quick brother, before father--." He waved me away. My attention soon stolen by the commotion in the distance. 

Patrol members stood at attention. I was to relieve Hallie of her duty today and take her place. Her permanent scowl returned as she noticed my presence. We didn't get along and everyone could see that about a mile away, but we respected each other.  

The group rounded the edge of the clearing near the woods  I started a light jog in their direction coordinating so I was be able to jog up and take Hallie's place relieving her of duty.

She didnt really look at me. She never acknowledged me...just left silently.
I hate that shit..

"Keep focus, Babygirl." The change in dialect brought a twinge of my anger. My cheeks felt hot.

"I am focused Richard, and how I wish you wouldn't call me that." Richard's short hair left a lot to be desired as my hair whipped in the air ever so effortlessly. 

"Don't be angry princess but you can't can't come. Your bother doesn't want you there. It's dangerous. " I nodded. Of course my brother doesn't want me there. when he sneaks away to do cool shit in the middle of the night --at the most notorious and sophisticated brothel-- he doesn't want me around. too bad.

"All the nights I spent brooding over my cusping womanhood are over. I'm going, he can't stop me. Neither can you."

"Yes it is dangerous." I spoke but I began to feel flushed. I kept up our sprints.

"You'll be a woman. Well almost." Suddenly I could hear the joy in his laughter and It hurt my head.

"alright. my head hurts.." I touched my temples.

"You okay? You are looking kinda pale..Aye..Ali?" I wasn't looking at him I was looking at the grass and then nothing. I couldn't see. I started slowing down my pace keeping calm.

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