Little Liars

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"Oh god I feel so much better." Was the first thing Luz said, "Kind of tickled too." I smiled at her and patter her back, "Well I am glad for that but I'm pooped Aaron see to her make sure shes okay I'm going to take a quick walk.

I smiled and took my exit. It was no easy feat though my body was heavy but I flawlessly walked into Aaron's room. I closed the door behind myself and collapsed. My body felt broken I healed her for too long I even used a little spirit energy. I was scared of what was to come next. I crawled to the bathroom coughing up chunks of congealed blood and bile.

"Oh, Ah god..No." My eyes teared a little as I reached the bathroom. Blood was leaking out of my mouth "Aaron." I needed help. and I needed it soon. I needed the blue capsules I put in my bag. Why didn't I just tell him I was sick?

Now I was face down  vomiting blood alone because I didn't want to tell the truth. I feel something sharp near my kidney burst and pop and burn. The floor and black rag in my hand near my mouth muffled my scream.

I rolled over with my head leaning to side letting the blood drain from my mouth. I knew I really needed help as my side twisted again. I screamed then and heard my beast scream with me.

 We need him. We need Aaron!!!

So I called for him because that was all I could do now. "Aaron."

I felt like I was screaming but I was barely speaking with  an inside voice.

"Oh..please. Aaron. hear me. I can't again" My eyes were welling with tears but I refused to let them fall.



Sorry for the cliff hanger guys but I want to know how you feel about the story so far and

what you want to see happen any questions comments concerns?

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