This Feels Too Good

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I was starting to feel guilty for leaving my world behind, for leaving my friends behind, for leaving Rich behind. The funny stories that Yuri told me of her twin boys and how mischivious they are, was little councilation.  My smile began to fade with time which frustraited me more that I couldn't hold face. Even under the cover of night I couldn't hide my sadness.

A little hand wrapped itsself around my hand and gave a small squeeze, "Smile. You look sad." I gave a weak smile trying to alieve his worry.

"She is a little sad though little brother...she had to leave many important things behind." Aaron grabbed his brothers other hand.

"Hey when did you get here, " I cut through the tension with my serious question, "I didn't see you leave with us.."

"That is one of my gifts," he stuck his toung out at me as he began to prance around the woods. Aaron was looking at me as if he could see through me.

"So will my people be safe with just two of your people there?" I asked hoping to distract him.

"Yes very safe. Its a bit of good luck that you are into herbology. All the herbs you keep in your closet keep your scent pretty muted."

"So then why did I have to leave why couldnt I have just gotten more plants and stayed home?"

"Its not that simple...when we get home you will have to train to control yourself."

"Control myself?" I asked with attitude.

"Yes but this is a conversation for a later time for now, talk to us. If we are going to be risking our lives for you, we want to know who you are." I looked down not knowing what to say not really in a mood to say anything.

"My King, I dont believe she is in the mood to say anything." Yuri laughed and things got quiet for a while then we stopped at a thick place in the woods for rest.

"We should be fine here.. we have to get up early in the morning and seeing as you need rest this place has the best cover." Yuri was a pretty muscular girl so I wasnt shocked to see her carying a back pack stocked with snacks. I watched as he placed my bag against a broad tree and took a bag from Yuri and pulled out a plush blanket big enough for a king size bed and then some.

I watched as everyone chose a spot.

Yuri and Roe scrunched up together trying to find a comfortable position Yuri finally settled with her head on Roe's stomach it was a nonsexual action but still it seemed intimate somehow. I hugged myself a little chapped from the cold. Aaron went to lie down and I squat to rumage through my bag pulling out a small, silver, tin. I opened it and smoothed my finger in the balm and gently applied it to my lips and switched fingers to apply some to the bulb of my nose.

"Whats that?" I looked at Aaron as he laid his head against Yuri's waist. "A moisturiser."

"For what?" Aaron's eyes were closed but I felt as though he was looing at me, seeing me from closed eyes.

"For skin." He nodded and continued to speak to me. "The air seems to be getting colder and dryer." I nodded. "Come."

My head shot up and I looked at him wondering his intentions. "Oh come on if I'd wanted to take you I would and you would not be able to stop me. Come, this is about being cold, you will come to find being a lion is a bit more about trust and not fierocity.

I did not really realise I was cold until he said something but I was freezing and I hated being cold. I squeezed myself. "Trust me."

I had heard that before and I didnt want to trust him. My mind screamed no but my heart wanted to argue about it, all the while the cold tried to possess me, so I listened to my beast to find an answer.

Trust him, she said.

I couId smell the scent of her fur. I inched closer til I sat next to them.

"Closer." He pulled me closer and I felt the heat coming off of everyone and immeadiately felt better. "Better, right? Warm. " It was nice to be coupled up and warm it made me very sleepy. His nose rested near my neck and I could feel the heat of his breath against me.

"Sleep. We have a long run ahead of us." I nodded as his ams fit around me and flexed the moment should have been strange but somehow it felt like it was here I belonged. This just feels too good.

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