Death and Candy (Under Constuction)

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My eyes fluttered but did not open. I couldnt figure it out. No matter how I tried to lift them they wouldnt budge. They would slide back to you place and it was harder to move them each time after.

My chest was heavy my breath was shallow.

I felt like I drank too much vodka or something but I wasnt drunk.

"Hello beautiful." I calmed as I saw Rue standing next to me.

"Rue, what happened? I dont..feel so good. Im dizzy." I started felling better with every word I spoke.

"Rue!?" A cool hand was placed on my warm forehead.

"Oh sweet, dear, beautiful, Alize..I am not Rue." He walked in front of me and the moon light hit his face. He looked like Rue but in that instant his face melted away. His hair became long and blonde. His eyes became bright blue.

I started to hyperventilate realizing what was happening. "Let me go."

I started to thrash my body around but to no avail. I didnt move an inch. My arms, my whole body was strapped down to some type of surgical chair.

"Im sorry doll but I just can't do that."

I tried to ready my mind but I was scared.

"I tried giving you something for the pain but it keeps running through your system so fast darling. You have to relax, mkay."

My eyes began to burn. I would not cry I held my tears. My body began to ease.

"Good girl, now," he said pulling his long hair into a pony tail, "Say ah."

Shook my head no breathing a little heavier.

"Come on girl. All I need is a few teeth. Just a couple. " He sat on a chair and rolled toward me.

I focused my breathing and calmed. I would survive this.

I opened my eyes and his burning blues scorched me. "I'm trying to be nice. Open your mouth or I will beat you til your teeth come falling out. Is that what you want? Huh? I don 't have time for this." he slapped my face a little. "I asked you a question. Is that what you want?"

"No, please, no." my teeth chattered against one another.

"okay, so open.." I opened my mouth a little and he popped something in place that forced my mouth wide. "That's my girl. See we get along fine. I talk a little, pull a little."

I whimpered a little unable to help it my eyes darted around looking for anything to grasp on to but I couldn't see anything. Nothing but a bright light illuminating the doctor for beyond him was a darkness that enveloped all space, time, and even sound.

I might die here.

I could die here. Alone. I couldn't open my Shields for some reason. How would anyone find me? As far as they knew I could have run away.

I hollered a little as I felt him pull before hearing a pop noise. I gasped, "One more, one more." I felt the icy suction of wind between my teeth and gums. I braced and let him pull the second. I was at ease by the time he pulled two more.

"Look, no one will ever know they are missing. Look, smile." He held a mirror up to the side of my face so I could see. Without the metal braces my mouth was feeling kind of dry except for the blood of course which oozed from my mouth as I smiled to assess the damage.

This was comical like some start to a horrible punch line. My body demanded that I laugh because there was nothing else my body knew how to do. My laughter and tears bought me some time alone but I soon found myself stolen away by sleep. My last thought was of Aaron and my father.

My last words probably were, "You said just a couple."

Lions Among Wolves (under construction and revise)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant